
Showing posts from June, 2017

Time With Andrew

This past week, Alexa was at Girl Scout Camp from 8:00- 5:30 everyday.  Doug was in Raleigh for several days, so Andrew and I got lots of time together.  I don't get as much one on one time with him.  He's busy and wants to follow along with Doug because as I am told often, "Dad is lit.. . . you are too Mom, just in a different way."  It doesn't hurt my feelings.  I want him to like Doug and follow him around.  Sometimes I want this because Doug's a fairly good role model.  Sometimes I want this because Andrew is a 12 year old male.  Enough said. But- it was just me and Andrew this week.  We do totally different things than Alexa and I.  He and I went to the Aquatic Center (which is like a YMCA).  I swam laps, and he played basketball.  We attempted racquetball. In case you weren't sure- we weren't all that good, but we had a super fun time. We went out to eat a LOT.  I love going out to eat with Andrew.  He's the most willing to try new restaura

She Paved Her Own Path

Sweet Alexa.  Sweet, sweet Alexa.  She about broke my heart on Monday.  Like in a million pieces. She is going to Girl Scout Camp this week.  She and a friend from her troop.  This is a really big deal- and she doesn't even realize it.  This is the first thing she has done completely without Doug, me, or Andrew.  When she went to daycare . . . Andrew paved the way for her.  Her teachers and directors KNEW us.  When she went to dance, I sat in the lobby on the other side of the door.  She had a friend in her class.  The owner of the studio had volunteered at my school, and her children went through my school, a friend taught lessons there, other friends had children dance at that studio. I KNEW it.   When she played t-ball- she played because that's what Andrew did.  Doug coached her team.  I was the dugout mom.  When she went to kindergarten, Andrew was at school with her, and he had again paved the way for her.  She had been going into that school for years.  She was already

The Trouble With Text Messaging

I recently made it possible for Alexa to use the text messaging option on her ipad.  She's a texting maniac.  "Where are you?"  "I love you!" "I miss you"  She sends my mother and a long time family friend texts.  (No worries . . . I monitor this and Andrew's texts- and she can't initiate contact with people that I have not set up for her). Keep this in mind.  Alexa, a young student.  She just completed first grade and yet, is a FAR better texter than her brother.  Andrew texts me as though he's a male.  Oh. Wait.  He is.  In every possible way, Andrew is male.  I get the most aggravating texts from him.  The other day he went to Carowinds with friends. I was trying to find out when or even if I should pick him up from the friend. This is our text exchange (in case you are unsure- I'm the blue boxes, and Andrew is the grey): How is a person supposed to determine what the heck I was supposed to do?  Alexa was with me, while I was at

Already?! It's Only The First Day of Summer!

I won't lie, I am totally spoiled during the school year.  I rarely take both of my kids with me- at the same time- to a store; unless Doug is with me.  I typically run errands after school and either pick up Alexa and go, or take Andrew with me, and Doug will pick up Alexa and go home.  When I need to go to the grocery store, I go before they get up Saturday morning, make Doug go, or shop on-line.  I forget what it's like to take them to the store together, without my parenting partner.  It's like childbirth: it's equally as painful, and I won't remember by tomorrow how horrible it is. Today we went to Target and the grocery store.  I needed 5 things at Target and like 3 things at the grocery store.  It SHOULD have been the type of errand that didn't take us long, or reduce me to the mom I have seen and think, "Lady- I feel ya- and thankfully I only have one kid with me right now!" And yet . . .  as we're walking up the main aisle on the way OUT