Time With Andrew

This past week, Alexa was at Girl Scout Camp from 8:00- 5:30 everyday.  Doug was in Raleigh for several days, so Andrew and I got lots of time together.  I don't get as much one on one time with him.  He's busy and wants to follow along with Doug because as I am told often, "Dad is lit.. . . you are too Mom, just in a different way."  It doesn't hurt my feelings.  I want him to like Doug and follow him around.  Sometimes I want this because Doug's a fairly good role model.  Sometimes I want this because Andrew is a 12 year old male.  Enough said.

But- it was just me and Andrew this week.  We do totally different things than Alexa and I.  He and I went to the Aquatic Center (which is like a YMCA).  I swam laps, and he played basketball.  We attempted racquetball. In case you weren't sure- we weren't all that good, but we had a super fun time. We went out to eat a LOT.  I love going out to eat with Andrew.  He's the most willing to try new restaurants out of my immediate family, and he's becoming more adventurous with new foods.  We tried a new pizza place, we went to our favorite breakfast place, our favorite doughnut place, and Taco Bell.

Funny story at the breakfast place.  When the hostess sat us- she brought Andrew a coloring sheet and crayons.  He was beyond offended.  I laughed.  He doesn't get offended when we tell him he stinks (a lot).  That doesn't bother him at all.  But bring him the kid's menu and that's all he can take.  The entire meal . . . he grumbled about it.  Andrew hardly complains about anything- the kid's menu did him in.  The hostess redeemed herself.  As we were checking out- she apologized.  She said she was sorry, she didn't actually look to see that he was a young man.  She just saw a kid with a mom.  Andrew accepted her apology gracefully.  I teased him about it for the rest of the week.  I'm sensitive like that.  :-)

We went to Ikea.  He's super fun in Ikea.  We looked enough to see stuff, but not enough for me to get tired and overwhelmed.  We bought a chair and some stuff for the house.  We came home and put the chair together- with no issues.

We talked about nuts, balls, and penises way more than I have - possibly ever.  On Monday, we ran into Lowe's to get a nut to fix one of the bar stools.  I bought a pack of them.  As we're walking through the garden center . . . I heard the clink, clink, clink and looked around to see . . . "Oh no! I dropped my nuts!!!!"  Andrew was beside himself.  He talked about it all week.  That one- innocently said- comment was probably the beginning of all the references, chuckles, snickering about the male genitalia.  Also- I learned there is a super fun middle school game.  You try to see who can yell penis the loudest.  And, what else?  That's it.  That's what you do.  You just yell penis.  Why?  How do you determine who wins?  What's the point?  There isn't one.  You just yell the word to see who can yell it the loudest without getting yelled at.  Apparently PE is the funnest place to yell it.  I don't get it- but I guess I don't have to.  I'm not playing it.

I'm glad I had this time with Andrew because frankly a lot of our time is spent with me nagging him: stop aggravating your sister, clean up your socks, TAKE A SHOWER!, stop dragging around, entertain yourself!!!!  It turns out- when it's just he and I- we get along famously.


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