Already?! It's Only The First Day of Summer!

I won't lie, I am totally spoiled during the school year.  I rarely take both of my kids with me- at the same time- to a store; unless Doug is with me.  I typically run errands after school and either pick up Alexa and go, or take Andrew with me, and Doug will pick up Alexa and go home.  When I need to go to the grocery store, I go before they get up Saturday morning, make Doug go, or shop on-line.  I forget what it's like to take them to the store together, without my parenting partner.  It's like childbirth: it's equally as painful, and I won't remember by tomorrow how horrible it is.

Today we went to Target and the grocery store.  I needed 5 things at Target and like 3 things at the grocery store.  It SHOULD have been the type of errand that didn't take us long, or reduce me to the mom I have seen and think, "Lady- I feel ya- and thankfully I only have one kid with me right now!" And yet . . .  as we're walking up the main aisle on the way OUT of the store . . . they were both forced to walk on separate sides of the aisle and not allowed to be within 3 blocks of tile near each other.

Alexa's hair is getting pretty long.  Since it's summer and it's so hot, I keep her hair up in a braid almost all of the time.  Something about that braid, hanging down her back calls to Andrew.  That braid MUST be flipped, touched, held onto, wiggled . . . something.  He canNOT leave it alone. Understandably- it makes Alexa psychotic.  Her reaction makes the braid even more alluring.  Not only is it something to flip- it has such a satisfying reaction.  A small wack of the braid and she's lunging at him with claws out, teeth gnashing, and loud sounds.

Alexa sounds like the victim, doesn't she?  She's not entirely innocent.  She "accidentally" walks into Andrew's path.  She cuts him off, walks slow, bumps into him . . . something to have some type of interaction.  Andrew's oblivious to her more subtle aggravation.  He has no idea how intentional she is because it is subtle.  She just wanted to look at something that "happened" to be near him.  Or she wasn't paying attention. It makes me crazy though.  She's "bumping" into him, he's dodging her, and knocking into me. Return to your opposite sides of the aisle kids, don't make your mother a raving lunatic on the first official day of summer.


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