A Giddy Geek

Folks, I've got to tell you that I have been sooo stinking excited the last two weeks (even though the hard drive on my computer is capput, and let's not talk about the last time I backed up everything and the pictures I've probably lost.  I'm currently living in a state of unrealistic hope that the tech guy fixing it- will recover everything.  Right?  Right.) So, what am I soooo excited about?  What could be that thrilling that it compensates for my computer troubles?  Well, I'll tell you. 

The good city of Monroe has changed their waste management company and now I can recycle EVERYTHING practically!  OMG!!! Seriously?  That's what's got me so excited?!  Yes.  That's what a freak I am.  Recycling has got me over the moon. 

I am a big recycler.  I recycle my AA, AAA, DD batteries, in addition to the cell phone, and car battery variety.  I have been mad at the good city of Monroe for years because I have been unable to recycle cereal boxes, and other types of boxes like that.  This summer when we were the 6U T-ball State Championship in 100 degree heat and drinking bottles upon bottles upon bottles of  water, and Gatorade, and Alexa was downing Jell-O like it was going out of style, I had packed a trash bag from home to store all of those bottles in so that I could properly dispose of them, and by dispose I mean, recycle them.   Well, that was a great plan, until we got in the car one morning and it absolutely REEKED!  Lord it was bad.  It's moments like that when I regret my zealous-ness.  It probably didn't help that Doug was giving me a hard time.  And while he did give me a hard time, he drove about 15 miles out of his way, to find a completely out of the way recycling spot so I could dump all those bottles. 

Yesterday my new recycling trashcan showed up.  It's an honest to goodness trashcan.  Not one of those little bins, like I've been using for years, but a big ol' trashcan.  I have been recycling everything the past 2 days!  It's so lovely.  It warms my heart.  I am so much more likely to throw away a little scrap of paper now- because I'll put it in the recycling bin- than instead of holding onto it and letting my drawers get junked up. 

So, if you see me with a big smile, it's Mother Nature smiling down with me.  ;-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops! Our waste management company recycles tons of stuff and the recycle bin is the same size as the trash bin. We regularly fill it up and barely throw anything away. Love it. :)


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