Scared the Bejesus Out of Me

Alexa has always been a pretty good sleeper.  When she was colicky- no matter how bad the day was, she would still go to bed easily and sleep fine.  When she was a temperamental toddler, there was  comfort knowing- she may be driving me to the bring of insanity, but she'll go to bed.  She was one of those kids that would tell me she was ready to go to bed.  What a pleasant surprise that my high maintenance, temperamental girl- was a good sleeper!

Andrew was the kid that I would jolt awake to find him staring at me, when he was in early elementary school.  Or there was about a 3 month period where he slept on a pallet beside the bed, when he was about 3 years old.  When he was an infant it took me 45 minutes to get him to the sweet spot where I could lay him down and he'd stay asleep in his crib. 

In the last few months, Alexa has come in to see me to tell me she's had a bad dream, more than she has in the previous 3 years- maybe even 4 years.  It's not every night.  Not even every week.  But probably 4 or 5 times.  Usually I know she's come in the room because the dog alerts me.

The dog is really only good for: entertainment, pouring love and affection onto, and spending money on dog food and treats.  And while I have no false notion that she'll protect me should a bad guy come in the house, I have complete faith that she'll at least give me a 1-2 second heads up that someone's come in the house.  I am counting on those 1-2 seconds.

Turns out I'm wrong and she's useless in that department as well. 

Last night, I had woken up to go to the bathroom, and had gotten back in bed, and was just heading back to sleep, when I thought I felt something touch my toe.  I started to freak, but thought, "If someone were in the room, the dog would either wag her tail (at the kids), or move and I'd hear her tags jingle, or something.  She'd alert me."  And then suddenly I feel warm breath on my cheek and I hear a whisper.  I flew up, and whisper screamed, "SHIT!" (sorry for the bad language- but I think we can all agree that that kind of wake up is jarring and understandable in the circumstances).  Doug doesn't even budge.  Alexa tells me she had a bad dream.  I get up out of the bed, and then- then Doug mumbles and moves around.  (I swear I want to be a husband someday.  That is ultimate luxury. Laundry shows up clean and folded.  Food appears magically in your fridge, and fixed on your plate.  They never clean up throw up or exploding diapers.  It's a magical life).  I take Alexa back to bed, lay with her for a bit, and go back to bed where Doug is laying on my side of the bed.  He wakes up when I shove him over to his side, and says, "You scared me when Alexa woke you up."  Did I? Cause you didn't even move.  Between the dog not alerting me, and Doug not reacting to my surprise . . . I think we can all see, I'm basically a sitting duck for the Boogeyman. 


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