How Did That Happen?!

I'm feeling a little emotional today.
I took Alexa to horseback riding camp today.  This is the first time she and I have been apart this entire summer.  But that's not why I'm feeling emotional.

When I got back from dropping her off, I pretty much begged Andrew to spend time with me, running errands today.  He hates running errands.  But he and I have not gotten a lot of time together this summer.  I'm not super cool, so ....   I had to really make him a deal he couldn't refuse.  Luckily I know my son's love language: food.  I told him if he'd come with me, I would take him to lunch wherever he wanted.  But that's not my I'm feeling emotional either.

After our errands and lunch, I took him to work.  That's why I'm feeling emotional.

I went to bed last night- and he was that small. 

When I woke up this morning, Doug took him to his first day of daycare:

By the time 3pm rolled around, I had this young man getting out of my car.  This young man who knows his mind well enough to know- when Doug and I were suggesting retail jobs that will hire 14 year olds-  he responded, "None of those are going to give me experience for what I want to do after high school!"  He chose to work in the heat, and loves it. After the first day of working, the lady he's working for, texted Doug and said, "Your son is impressive!" This young man that is always praised for his manners, and even when it's just with his boring, uncool mom- still holds doors and bags for me.  This young man who knows exactly how to aggravate his Dad and sister- and does it well.  This young man who will walk down the hallways at the high school I teach at in just a few months.  How did this happen?!


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