A Busy, Simple Dinner

Dinner time is always an entertaining time in my house.  Sometimes the entertainment is fun and enjoyable.  Sometimes it's an exercise in patience.  Sometimes you just have to shake your head. Cause, I mean- really?! 

Alexa and I walked in the house around 5:15 tonight and I was starved.  I didn't eat lunch today and I was reaching a dangerous point.  Doug offered to go buy something, but I didn't have time for that. Dinner had to happen, and it needed to happen right. this. minute!!!!!!!!!!!!  Since today is Shroud Tuesday, and National Pancake Day (thanks Timehop on Facebook for reminding me) I decided to make a super fast breakfast for dinner: pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.  Alexa gets her plate first.  I always give her her plate first, so she can get settled and hopefully by the time the rest of us sit down, she'll be there.  Sometimes that backfires and she's still flitting around somewhere. Tonight she was sitting and waiting for us.  
She continues to be the pickiest child.  She LOVES pancakes and would gobble them up (even when I put pumpkin in them- like I did tonight).  She does NOT care for scrambled eggs, but has to have a small spoonful.  She had eaten all of her pancakes, and drank all of her milk, and moved on to those doggone scrambled eggs.  But- wouldn't you know it?!  They were cold!  I said, "Just eat them fast." She takes the smallest bite of eggs imaginable.  Since she has the smallest spoonful of eggs possible- that's a pretty teeny bite.  She pouts.  Andrew suggests taking a drink of milk to help swallow them.  Of course, she hates that idea because it came from Andrew.  No matter how much sense his suggestion makes, it must be ignored and treated with disdain. I ignore her.  (Doug was taking the bacon out of the oven- so he conveniently avoided this whole situation).  She took another- slightly larger bite.  Gagged.  Whined.  Sat there and pouted.  (I'm still ignoring her).  Then she needed something, I can't remember- a spoon maybe?  (Or just to drag out and delay the dreaded task).  Doug has come back out, brought the bacon, she's eating a piece of bacon.  Still has eggs left and . . . . has to go to the bathroom.  She dances back to the table. Meanwhile, Andrew got up to get more milk, or wash his hands, or get another pancake, or something and instead of sitting down, he's doing the wave and flexing his biceps.  Alexa reaches for another pancake, but she is de-nied.  Now she's pouting again. She finally finishes the eggs, grabs the pancake, doesn't want her bacon- gives it to her brother, gets up to get something else, sits back down, puts some syrup on her pancakes and eats them without an incident.  

Maybe I should eat dinner like her . . . getting up 5 bazillion times and eating the teeniest bites of anything- I would be a lot slimmer I bet.  


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