She's a mischevious one

That Alexa is a stinker! 

So here we sit, enjoying the spaghetti and salad that I spent 15 minutes cooking tonight.  When Doug gets up to get seconds, Alexa immediately jumps into his seat.  Then sits there and grins at him.  Doug asks her to move- but she won't.  Oh, she's so mischevious.  She knows she's aggravating her Daddy beyond what he may be capable of dealing with. And she just smiles at him, dimples flashing, eyes gleaming.

I convince Doug to sit in her chair. He offers to pull the chair Alexa's sitting in- closer to the table, she refuses, "No Daddy!"  In fact, she's so adament in her refussal, she jumps up and pushes the chair across the kitchen.  Then, turns around and demands her chair (the one Doug is currently sitting in) back!  So, Doug makes her bring his chair back to the table, and they switch seats again. 

Watching Doug and Alexa tangle, can be pretty stinking entertaining. 


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