Elf on the Shelf

This is our third year with the Elf on the Shelf.  Andrew is afraid of the Elf.  Every year I assume that he won't be this year- he's older.  He's not psychotically afraid of it, I don't believe the Elf is going to be the cause of future therapy sessions.  But it creeps him out, for sure.  I think it's the idea that the Elf is there to watch him.  With those weird shifty eyes and cheeky smile.  I can see it; I understand where he's coming from.  So the Elf stays in the living room, kitchen, or bathroom.  No where near Andrew's room.  Who wants to think they're being watched while they sleep?  That can be unsettling.

The Elf showed back up yesterday.  I decided this year (thanks to the influences of Pinterest) that our Elf was going to be a little mischievous this year.  In years past, the Elf has been very well behaved, coquettishly sitting in well behaved areas.  This year . . . he's gone rogue.  The first place he hid was in the bathroom on a towel rack above the toilet.  He was holding a cup and looked like he was trying to poor water on whoever was using the bathroom.  Andrew didn't notice him Thursday morning.  When Doug picked him up that afternoon he said the Elf had shown up- and he needed to look for him.  He had to wait until he got back from getting his hair cut.  When he got home, he wouldn't leave the kitchen.  We asked him to clear the table and take his toys to his room- he refused to the point of psychotic screaming because he didn't know where the Elf was.  Then Doug  psychotically stomped back to Andrew's room and turned lights on all over the house.  I determined right then and there- the Elf was leaving the same day it showed up.  He'd leave Andrew a note about having to go back to Santa- he knew Andrew was a good boy and not to worry- Santa would still bring him presents. 
Later when I was giving Alexa a bath- Andrew stood in the bathroom with us and gazed at the Elf.  Some of the fear began to subside.  He's still a little creepy, but Andrew began to see the humor of the Elf pouring water on his head.  Maybe he wasn't so bad.  So I decided the Elf would stay until Saturday, if Andrew was still freaking out- then he'd leave a note and Andrew could live out the rest of this holiday free of Elf-stress. 
Today our Elf hid in the kitchen cabinet and had apparently gotten into the marshmallows because there was a pile of them on the counter below where the Elf was peeking out of the cabinet.  (I'll give you 2 guesses as to which kid discovered the marshmallows first- and it wasn't Andrew!  He didn't notice them until Lu-Lu had eaten all but 2 of them.)  He found the Elf as soon as he got out of bed, but didn't notice the marshmallows.  Lu-Lu missed neither. 
This really entertained him.  He just couldn't get over the Elf getting into the marshmallows. 
Well- here comes the real part of the story- finally!
So this afternoon we get home and everyone wants a snack. There we are, standing there in front of the cabinet with the Elf peeking out saucily.  Andrew says, "What happens if we open the cabinet door?  Will he fall out?  If he does- that would be bad.  He could lose his magic."  So his ridiculous mother, who is overly confident in her Elf placement methods, says, "Oh he won't fall out!  I am sure he's securely positioned."  So I fling the cabinet door open dramatically to prove he won't fall out and . . . .AHHHHHH  the damn Elf fell out and hit the counter with a thud!  Andrew's face was horrified.  "He's lost his magic!!!!"  So I said very reassuringly "No, I am sure he's fine.  We didn't touch him- he's just a little shocked.  He'll bounce back." 
Here's where the real dilemma comes.  Do I let the Elf lay in a crumpled heap on the counter?  That feels wrong.  Except, Doug assured Andrew that the Elf will only move at night (because Andrew was afraid he'd encounter the Elf mid-move).  I decided to just put him back in the cabinet.  I figured a move to a previous hiding spot was ok and not freak out inducing.  I figured right.  I think Andrew was relieved that the Elf was back where he should be, besides if he moved when we were around- he can't be too damaged, right?


  1. Omg! Kate - I cried I was laughing so hard thinking of Andrew as I read this! He'll always be special to me as I was lucky you entrusted this sweet baby boy to me as I waited for my own grandsons! So l o v e d this blog post! Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories of A&A! Deb

  2. Please post a picture of this Elf. I have heard of him, but never seen him.


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