Visiting Scrooge, I mean Santa

So, we decided to venture to the mall to visit ol' Santa tonight.  It was sort of a last minute decision, so . . . unfortunately I forgot the stroller.  Imagine how this trip to the mall on a Friday night- dangerously close to bed time was going to go.  Surprisingly, it went pretty doggone well. 

It turns out 27 pounds of wiggling toddler body gets heavy and FAST!  So upon entering the Jessica Simpson display at Dillards, I released Lu-Lu from the confines of my arms . . .

She raced through Dillards thrilled with her freedom!  She was squealing and running into display cases in the perfume department, smacking mannequins, and touching sweaters (she had a clear preference for the sequins variety).  The ladies who worked in the cosmetics department were clearly not all that impressed with a toddler off a leash or out of a stroller.  They are losers, because a curly headed toddler with chubby thighs and exuberance is cute.  I don't care who you are.  (I might be prejudice though- maybe). 

As we entered the actual mall, Lu-Lu tried to help Doug out by jetting into the first store, which just so happened to be Victoria's Secret.  That's where she lost her freedom.  She was carried to Santa.

(Here's a little background info: Santa came by her daycare today.  Alexa was so scared of him- she shook.  So I really had no intentions of making her sit with him, our presence there was mainly for Andrew.)  I won't lie, I am a little disappointed in the whole uneventful trip.  The only moderately interesting thing Lu-Lu did was, try to climb through the gate to touch the Christmas tree.  Otherwise she stood and twirled and ran from me to Doug to Andrew.  The line was only 5 deep, so we only stood there for maybe 15 minutes. 

FYI Santa apparently loses his Christmas spirit on Friday nights.  (as a side note, I don't entirely judge the man for being a complete dud- it's a hard job holding crying kids just so parents can get a picture, but . . . come one dude.  Put a little effort into it for my kid) Andrew sat down and chatted it up with him immediately- Alexa was clinging to me.  Andrew quickly told him he wants an ipod touch for Christmas.  (another side note- that is a VERY popular gift for the elementary set, as we are becoming increasingly aware of which kid has now gotten an ipod touch).  As I sit down next to him (so we can get a picture with Alexa in it), I try to lighten his mood and charmingly ask how much longer he has and he mentions how hot he is in that suit.  He was rather . . . crabby about it.  I didn't win him over with my charming smile and personality, I created an outlet for him to grump.  (an unexpected outcome of friendliness sometimes).  So we sit there smiling into the cameras and he is not humored by us.  I saved him from a screaming baby and my son was being polite and cooperative.  We were decent customers.  So you know what that turd tells my son?  Ipod Touches are, according to this Ba-Hum-Bug, adult presents and little kids don't need them.  We didn't go see Santa, we saw that grump from The Christmas Story, who tells Ralphie "he'll shoot his eye out!" and then kicks him down the slide.  I should have made a screaming Alexa sit on his lap.  Turd.  I feel bad that Andrew had such a crabby Santa.  I wish he had gotten the real Santa that Macy's had in Miracle on 34th Street.  I mean, he found Suzy a house and her mother a husband.  I had to buy their stupid $20 pictures- just so he could tell my kid what he wanted wasn't ok.  Booo to you Santa!  (we'll show you Santa- because as it turns out he is getting an ipod touch- thanks to generous friends who gave us a hand-me-down)

Anyway- so we stopped by a couple of stores and then left.  Andrew's high light of the entire trip was riding the escalator without having to hold one of our hands.  Do you know, my Dad once told me that if you stayed on an escalator too long, it'll suck you in.  I believed him for far longer than I should have.  My thinking on that (as I was pretty far into adulthood when I finally stopped believing him) is . . . you never know, so why test the Fates.  Andrew . . . tested the Fates and did not get sucked into the escalator- the highlight of my trip!  

Doesn't he look interested.  He's a master of facial expressions


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