Shopping With a Wack Job

I got some gift cards for Christmas and decided I was going to take advantage of them, and go out- ALL BY MYSELF- this morning and use them.  Before I go, I sort of have a mental list of what I would like to buy: sleep pants, shirts, and a dress.  Really, a dress?  Not a dressy one.  One that is casual enough that if I felt like "snazzing" it up and really surprising my students, I could wear it to school.  I am really liking these sweater ones out right now.  I am a cold natured person- and surely in a sweater dress, I won't feel that cold.  Right?

I really live it up and  I go to Target.  Whoa!!!!  I hardly ever go there . . . except for at least once a week. It's different this time, because . . . it just is.  What exciting things did I buy?  A sports bra.  However, in my defense it is one that I really like.  Plus I bought some razors, a new appointment calendar, and anti frizz gel.  If that's not crazy rowdy, I don't know what is.   Notice not one of those things is on my mental list. 

I head on down to TJ Maxx.  Sometimes I have really good luck there.  I immediately found 2 sweater dresses that were cheap!  I was so excited.  I ended up buying a brown pair of pants.  They're not khaki, not chino styled, and they're "dressy."  Again, they were not on my list of things to buy. 

Let's re-cap.  I am alone.  I have money to spend.  I am intending to buy clothes.   So far I've bought: moisturizer, a sports bra, hair gel, razors, an appointment calendar, and brown pants. 

I go to Belk's.  I walk in and go straight to . . . the little girls section!!!  What am I doing?!  I told myself that under no circumstances was I going to look for Alexa clothes.  First thing I do at Belk's, I look for HER a dress!!!!!  (let's face it- her dresses are way cuter)  I found one.  I picked up and was going to ask the first moderately trust worthy, looking associate I found, if it was Christmas or not.  Then I meander through the store.  Trouble is, this is the first time I've been in Belk's since they've redone the store. I am not proud of this observation, but . . . I noticed there was a large population of senior citizens in this one particular section I was in, and so I thought maybe, just maybe this wasn't the section for me.  I turn the corner and found a display of a brand of clothes I know I like.  I grabbed a couple of shirts and the first one I tried on, I LOVED.  It was cotton, which I love.  It was knit- which I love.  It was a tunic style- which I have been trying forever and never finding one that looks particularly good on me.  It was 50% off.  I put it back on the rack.  Why?  I don't know.  I am a wack job.  What's the deal?!  I loved the shirt.  I put it back on the rack.  Maybe it's because I noticed it was a good thing I bought razors at Target and I suddenly felt not as good about shopping as I did because now I am aware of what's going on under my arms.  It's not good.  It's wild woman of Borneo-ish. 
Then I try some pants.  I got a black pair of dressy ones and some of those trousery-jean ones.  I was so excited when I found those jean ones because I've been wanting some of this kind of trouser jeans ever since I saw my sister wearing them.  I try on the black pants and realized while putting them on, I was probably not going to buy them because . . . you can just tell as you pull on a pair of pants.  But you just never know, so I button them up.  And when I stand up straight and throw my shoulders back, the loose skin that I have never attempted to firm up after babies tumbles over the waist.  I had to laugh at the ridiculous-ness of that, and of course put them back on the rack.  Then I tried on the trouser jeans and I LOVED them.  They were awesome!  Fit great, looked great.  I loved them.  Are they at my house?  No, they're on the rack too.  Why?  I am a wack job. 

What the heck is wrong with me?!!! I find things I love and I don't bring them home.  I can't even blame my children for being bad for why I had to jet out, or that I had no money, or anything other than I am a freak. 


  1. I think this is a mom thing. I do the same thing all the time. Will buy something for the kids in a skinny minute, but rarely buy anything for myself....thus the practically threadbare clothes in my closet and the dresser drawers overflowing in their room.


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