Christmas Tradition

One of mine and Andrew's favorite Christmas traditions is to go for walks around our neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. 
The first year we started it, we only did it once.  Doug and I bundled him and strapped him in the stroller and walked around looking at lights. 
The second year we did it more.   I'd bundle him up and we'd walk through the neighborhood.  He'd hold my hand.  It was one of my most favorite Christmas activities.  I knew when it was happening that I'd remember the feel of his little hand in mine as we walked along and he talked and talked and talked to me- forever.  I knew to appreciate those walks. 
The third year we didn't hold hands- he carried a flashlight.  But I still loved the walks.  They were something just he and I did without Alexa around.  It was something special for just he and I.
This year, the first walk I was going to go on with him- he didn't want to go because he didn't have night vision goggles. ??????  So I took Alexa in the wagon.  She liked the lights.  I see a tradition in the making with her. 
Tonight I took Andrew.  I had to laugh.  The first year, he rode in the stroller.  The second year, he held hands.  The third year, he carried a flash light.  This year . . . he brought the light saber and instead of looking at lights, he stood under the street lights and tried to shadow fight me.  Luckily my shadow brought her  A-game with her and my shadow kicked his shadow's tail! (of course, his shadow is claiming to have beat me.  I am sure my shadow is right though)
And to top it off, we found a friend!  Andrew hated the friend- "he creeps me out!" and he wouldn't walk home unless he was at least 10 feet behind me. (I brought the friend home- so we could photograph him. He's no banana slug- but for December in the South, he's pretty big).  Good thing I am not like my father and I didn't pretend like I was going to touch Andrew with the slug.  Or pretend that I accidentally touched the slug and jump and squeal.  If I did do those things- it might scare him.  So that's why I would never do those things.  YEAH RIGHT!!!!

Nothing says Christmas spirit like a slug!


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