Double Standards

I have a confession: I make fun of Doug for wearing the same 5 plaid, button down shirts and 5 khaki pants everyday.  I do.  It's not nice, but . . . it's so easy!  It's not because he doesn't have a LOT of options- he DOES!  One time to prove that he has more clothes than me- I counted all his clothes and mine.  Not only did I count them- but I classified them too.  I wanted him to know- how many more pairs of jeans he had than me.  How many more pairs of shirts, pants, and sweat shirts he had than me.  It got a little tricky in the skirts (I obviously had more of those than he did) and suits (he beat me on that one too) ; -)  The thing is- he had WAY more clothes than me!!!! Way more!  So why does he insist on wearing the same 5 articles of clothing- week after week after week?!  I've tried to thwart him.  I hid his 5 shirts one week- he insisted on finding them. I sometimes don't iron- he'll get the ironing board out and iron that morning.  Nothing I do matters, he wears the same 5 clothes.
But today I realized . . . I do the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except, it's totally different because, well, because it's me that's why!
Here's how I came to this realization. 
Alexa desperately needs new tennis shoes.  I have been cramming her little foot into a sneaker that's at least a size too small for at least a month.  I have been looking for new shoes for her, but well, I am very particular apparently.  The previous sneakers I got at The Children's Place- they no longer sell!  They were the perfect color, price, and lack of embellishment.  I finally found a pair I liked on the internet last night, but they were out of stock on line, so I called stores that carry them until I found a store that had the size I needed and they are shipping them to a more local store for me.  (It's obviously not lack of effort that causes Alexa to sometimes have to wear sneakers that are too small.  Good thing girls need way more shoe choices!).  The thing is, I just wanted a simple sneaker.  So I was thinking about this after I hung up with the salesperson from the store in Gaffney, SC.  And I thought I am a simple person, in fact, I am such a simple dresser that I . . . OMG  . . . I wear the same 5 shirts and pants EVERY stinking week!!!!! 
But there's a reason for it: I hate shopping.  It's overwhelming at all the choices and one size at one store is a totally different size at a different store- or even within the store.  I try on 3 different sizes sometimes!  How can that be?  Doug knows that he's always the same size pants in every store, and in every style.  The other thing is- I am cheap.  Insanely cheap.  I hate the idea of paying more than $20 for a shirt or pants.  While I am cheap- I don't want cheap quality.  I want good quality.  So imagine the troubles I have- trying to fit my body, finding cheap clothes, and good quality.  Oh yea, I don't want it to take a lot of time either.  Maybe 30 minutes to get to the store, try it on, and get back home.  So I just don't bother.  Nothing's going to meet my criteria-  I might as well keep wearing the same 5 things week after week after week after week. 
But I am not like Doug- it's different for me.  Because it's me.


  1. Kohl's. I like their tops and sweaters.

  2. I wear the same five outfits over and over. I wouldn't mind new clothes, but keeping four kids in clothes that fit leaves very little money for anything new.


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