Glowing Fun

I had no idea Glo Sticks were so fun . . . until tonight.   Sure I've used them at parties or when walking around on Halloween, but it turns out that is sooooo last year!!!  There are tons of awesome things you can do with them!

Several weeks ago, I saw on a friend's Facebook page about tonight's use of Glo Sticks.  A comment on her post suggested cutting them open and pouring them into the toilet.  It would make the toilet glow for a long period of time!  I thought that sounded awesome!  What first grader (and myself) wouldn't like that?!  So we tried it.  While this was a totally awesome activity, and I will definitely do this again, I perhaps should have done some research as it was a smidge messy. 

First, here are some facts about Glo Sticks (that I researched after the event was overwith):   According to, "Glow sticks glow when certain chemicals inside a flexible plastic tube mix together. When the chemicals mix together, a bunch of electrons react and kick out a blast of photons. This creates the glowing light."  According to the package they're non-toxic.  I sure hope so!

Here's how we did it: we activated the Glo Sticks, cut them open with a pair of scizzors and then "dumped" the contents in the toilet.  Here's the thing- they don't actually "dump."  You have to wave them around to get the glowing stuff out- except the contents fly everywhere!  The cabinet next to the toilet: glowing, the shower curtain: glowing, our clothes: had glow spots, the floor: LOTS of glow spots.  Now the glow spots wipe up really easily off non fabric surfaces- if they're wet.  If they're not wet- they don't really wipe up.  So . . . . don't let them dry or else the wall across from your toilet, may or may not have droplets of "glow" on it. 

Lu-Lu played in the bathroom- just waving her stick (that was not cut) around and looking in the toilet.   Note to self- I would also recommend cleaning the toilet before you do this activity.  There was a lot of toilet touching- as we leaned on it to wave the contents or oooh and ahhhh over what we did.  We'll pretend I did that, and I am not grossed out. 

I even activated the Glow Sticks and put them in the bathtub with her.  I did NOT cut them open.  While they may be non-toxic, I am not so sure about those glowing things touching her cute bum.   The bathtub was awesome, and possibly very calming if she was not such a freak and had a complete and total meltdown about 2 seconds after she got in the tub.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

The inside of our toilet

The sticks in the tub with her.  The picture is a lot better on my camera, it didn't transfer well- sorry.

Just what the heck is in her diaper that makes my trashcan glow like that?!  hahahaha


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