A Circus Performer

It's been a rough 2 days.

Yesterday, I was at the pool with a friend and her children.  Our kids were playing, and we were chatting it up, when I suddenly got stung by a wasp- right on my jaw!!!!!!!!!  Now- as a small child, I was very allergic to wasps, and had to be rushed to the hospital, because after I got stung I couldn't breathe. One day last year, I got stung for the 2nd time in my entire life, by a wasp. I didn't stop breathing, but my hand swelled up like I had elephantiasis.  Since I got stung last year, and my breathing passages did not swell shut, I wasn't particularly concerned about having to be rushed to the emergency room, when the wasp stung me at the pool.  Although- let's take a minute to think of my poor friend!  Can you imagine?!! We had 5 kids, and we were in bathing suits. What a lot of excitement we would have brought to the emergency room!

Thankfully my smart friend thought to make me dash home and take 2 Benadryl, because my face had started to swell. That my friends is what I was most concerned about (not being unable to breathe or swallow- not a big deal) my face swelling up?  Big deal.  Imagine what a freak I would have looked like! I could have worked in a circus: "Come see the lady with the disfigured face!!"

(it got more swollen than this for a brief period of time) 

This situation reminded me of a time back when Andrew was like 1- 2 years old . . . so 9-10 years ago.  I was being silly, and wildly and grandly flourished a piece of paper, which somehow resulted in me getting a paper cut on my actual eyeball!  (I learned my lesson after that- I should not be so dramatic, and that's why these blog posts are very factual and not overly dramatic at all!)  The next day, my eye was pretty much swelled shut.  Wouldn't it be great if this was the end of my story? Because a paper cut in the eye is pretty bad.  Alas, this is not the end of this scenario. In addition to my eye being swelled shut, I had to go and get some dental work done!  So then I looked like this: 

(points if you can tell me what character and movie this is, and why he looks like this)

Doug laughed at me.  He should have . . . I mean, y'all.  What???!!!  How could he have gone out in public with me? What was I doing out in public?!!! (going to the dentist, and then to the eye doctor) Oh, and he took me to my new job as a carny with the weird disfigured face.  


  1. me! me! me! Harry Potter had to be disguised by the Stinging Jinx (sp?) when they were caught by the snatchers


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