Yep, We're That Family You've Heard Of

So while I was typing the compulsion post, I thought of adding to that post about how I can't stand clutter, but then I thought that topic deserves it's very own post because there's a very good reason. 

So, 10 + years ago, Doug and I bought our first home.  It was 3 weeks before we were married. We only looked at one house- this one.  I got here about 5 minutes before Doug and I knew before he walked in the door, "This is the house for us." 
See, when I decide about something- I decide.  I knew after dating Doug for 2 weeks, he was The One.  That was it.  I was done.  I needed to look no further.  I was the same way about this house.  It was perfect.  I was done.  I needed to look no further.  It was perfect.  It was- and is.  I loved it because: the backyard was already fenced in for the dogs, there was a garage, a wired storage building, a big yard, it had a crawl space, it was close to town and stores- but you didn't feel like you were close to town, plus the price was right.  So that afternoon we made our first offer.  And obviously since we live in this house- it all worked out. 
The one negative to the house is, it's small.  It's only 1200 square feet.  1200 square feet that 4 people live in.  Sometimes it feels a little cramped.
I am pretty sure I scared the poo out of Doug.  This was our first major purchase together- and I only saw one house- and I only saw it for a few short minutes, but I was absolutely certain this house was perfect.  Now that we've been married 10 years and I've been to buy vehicles with Doug, I can't imagine how he agreed to buy this house.  It takes him months to decide to buy a truck.  It's torture.  We go and look, talk to dealers, get deals, phone calls, change our minds, go look some more, get more deals, change our minds again, etc.  How he agreed to buy this house in one afternoon . . . I'll never understand.  But thank goodness!

Before we had Alexa, we put our beautiful house on the market.  We searched and searched for a house.  We could find NOTHING we liked.  We wanted no less than an acre of land and I didn't want to live out in the boonies, nor did I want to completely overhaul a house again.  We'd done so much to make this house perfect I wasn't really up for considering that with 2 small kids.  So- we found nothing.  We had a contract on our house, we were about to close, and still had no where to live.  I was 7 months pregnant.  I had no where to live.  We were closing on our house in 2 weeks.  I was starting to feel a little fretful.  We finally found a rental.  It was a nice house- clean, big enough to live in- small enough to not let us be too comfortable.  We spent all of Memorial Day weekend moving.  The day we were supposed to close on our house, our agent called and said, "There's been a problem."  My Dad (a real estate agent in SC) assured us this is totally normal, banks are always doing this.  A few days later our agent calls again.  Everything fell through.  Here's how it went A, was contingent on B, who was contingent on C, who was contingent on D, who was contingent on E.  E got a bad loan with bad credit.  When she fell through- we all fell through.  All of us were already moved out of our houses.  Some of the people were living with family while their stuff was in storage bins.  It was so frustrating because you couldn't really be mad at any one person but all of us were out lots of money since we'd all moved.  The guy who wanted to buy our house asked for an extension to try and sell his, we gave it to him because I said-"I am 8 months pregnant I sure as hell am not moving back into my house again until after this baby comes."  (as a total side note- I have mentioned being pretty doggone pregnant while all this hooplah was going on.  I did not melt down once.  I never got overly emotional, moody, or horrible.  Doug will agree to this, I am not making it up.  I just have to give myself props where they are deserved.)
So, you hear about those people who got caught in one of those crazy real estate situations- that's us.  Through no fault of our own.  The one major positive to it, I decluttered like nobody's business!!!!  The trouble is now, I don't want to go through that hassle of moving.  I moved 2 times last summer- once 7 1/2 months pregnant and then again with a 4 month old.  I never want to move again.  I'll stay in my small house till I rot- but I won't rot because of clutter. 


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