An Unreasonable Morning

Andrew woke up on the WRONG side of the bed apparently.  For whatever reason- everyone woke up early this morning (and let me assure you- from the moods that both are exhibiting- neither should have woken up early.) Alexa and I are sitting on the couch, I am watching the end of the local morning news.  I have- as silly as it sounds- been looking forward to watching this segment because the weatherman had a silly skit he was doing and the regular newscaster was back from maternity leave.  I was hoping she would share a picture or story of the baby.  Andrew walks into the room and screams, "Boo!"  at Alexa to scare her (his favorite past time is 'helping' Alexa improve her startle reflex), which gets Alexa all riled up and . . . needless to say I missed the last 10 minutes of the news -the only 10 minutes I had really wanted to see.  Oh well.  Then he sits down next to us- and wants to watch something he wants to watch.  And when I say, "Hold on- I want to see . . . " it was drowned out with, "ooooh!!!! But I want to watch something!!!!"  At this point, I sigh as I realize- it's one of those mornings.  This particular morning it's just not worth the fight- so sure what do you want to watch?  I finally find something we both agree on.  Then he proceeds to push the ottoman away so that I can longer put my feet on it, then he's rubbing his feet on me (which I absolutely HATE).  I get up and fix Alexa and I some breakfast.  After his show, Andrew comes into the kitchen and exclaims he wants sausage and pancakes for breakfast.  I respond with this, "Dude- we're going to see Daddy at church and eat biscuits there in a little bit- I am not fixing sausage and pancakes."  "OOOOOHHHH!!!! Then WHAT can I have?!!!!"  I am thinking he can have a punch in the nose.  So I say, "If  you're that hungry- then you can have: peanut butter crackers, a bowl of cereal, some zucchini bread- which is what Alexa and I are eating with peaches."  Of course, Andrew doesn't want those things. 

Let me give some background info.  Every 4th of July for Andrew's entire life- all  6 years- we have gone to eat breakfast at church and then stay to watch the Indian Trail town parade.  It's what we do.  We've never done anything different.  This is NOT a new tradition. 

Today he is asking 4,000 questions about the parade: where will sit, what we'll do, who will be there, and the final one- "Well, why can't I be in the parade?!"  Seriously?  "Just call and ask so and so if I can be in it."  So I try to be reasonable and explain that you don't just call and ask people you don't know- if you can be in the parade.  It's just not what's done.  And then he goes into full meltdown mode.   So I send him to his room.  I have run out of patience for theatrics.  On the way- he stomps, screams, "YOU'RE THE MEANEST MOMMY!!!!"  and of course slams his door.  The best part of all of this is, Alexa turns to me with her little brow furrowed and says, "Uh- Oh." 


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