A Trip to Grammy & Poppy's

This past week my two favorite, small friends and I went to visit Grammy and Poppy (AKA- my parents).  We were BUSY!  We visited with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Jonathan and Great Grammy, challenged everyone to a Just Dance 2 competition on the Wii, played, went for a walk, went to the Greenville Children's Museum, played some more, ate good food (one morning for breakfast we had pancakes with Pioneer Woman's Berry Butter, topped with berries, and topped that with Pioneer Woman's Maple Cream Sauce.  If you've never had Maple Cream Sauce you should.  There are not words for how completely divine it is.), read Pippi Longstocking, played, watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (The kids were in bed for this adult treat), went shopping, went for a walk on the Cottonwood Trail, got ice cream, went to lunch at McDonalds, took several baths in Grammy's big jacuzzi tub, played with Andrew's friend from across the street on the Slip and Slide and in the blow up pool.  Whewwww.  Were we there for 2 weeks?  No- 3 days.  We fit all that into 3 days.  No wonder we were all so tired!!!!!
Alexa preparing for her life as a good little Ag girl.

Kelly & Andrew dancing.  Sorry it's a rear shot
Kelly- better your butt than mine.  It's
much smaller.

This is a FUNNY picture.  Sorry Mom.
Andrew climbing high
We wore poor Dad completely out.


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