I Need a New Hiding Spot

Alexa discovered my m&m hiding spot this afternoon!  I don't think Andrew even knows I have such a thing.  He's 6 and she's not quite 1. 

Doug came home and ate lunch today.  Alexa's crawling around the kitchen getting into her favorite cabinets.  She discovers the m&m's.  I am watching her out of the corner of my eye, I see her glance around, carefully put her hand on the m&m bag, she stops.  Glances around again.  Puts her hand back on the bag, and then Doug catches her.  He gives her the "No, no Alexa!"  and she snatches her hand back, her hand flies up to her mouth and she goes, "oooh."  I wish to Heaven I would have had a camera to video tape her.  It was absolutely priceless, but I do have this video I managed to catch a little later.  She is her mother's child.


  1. That is awesome! Just goes to show that girls are smarter than boys. ;)


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