Dates, Steak, and 'Pillow Talk'

Last night I took Doug out on a surprise date (in honor of his birthday) to our very favorite steak restaurant. 
I love steak. 
Love it.
I could NEVER be a vegetarian.  Couldn't do it.  I love the flavor, the texture, the process of chewing a good steak.  I love steak. 
I know beautiful, calm bovines are being killed for me to enjoy my dinner.  I just don't think of that.  Cows in the pasture are different than the cows that are killed.  That's my story and I am sticking to it.
I am a simple steak girl- but a snobby one.  I prefer a tenderloin cut. I just need to sprinkle my tenderloin with a bit of salt and pepper and put under a broiler, and then put some sauteed mushrooms on top of my steak with lots of pink- and I am set to go.  (my mouth is watering just thinking of this)
One year my mother gave me- what is turning out to be one of my favorite presents- a big beef tenderloin for Christmas.  I know, I know.  Beef tenderloin- for Christmas?! Beef tenderloin is a luxury item to us two teachers and isn't that what Christmas is for?  Luxury items you wouldn't normally buy yourself?  Yes.  Yes, as far as I am concerned- yes.  So in case you were wondering what to get me for Christmas, beef tenderloin please. 
Anyway- we went to the "Beef and Bottle."   Doug got filet mignon and I got tenderloin tips with mushrooms, peppers, and onions.   This is one of the first times we'd been alone (and not in front of a tv) this summer, so we were really chatting it up . . . until the steak arrived on the table.  Then it was dead silence.  I wasn't even eavesdropping on the nearby tables (one of my favorite restaurant past times).  I just savored my dinner.  The only thing that would have improved my dinner was having more mushrooms than peppers.  Each bite was fabulous.  It was so tender and flavorful.  Have I told you I love steak? 
So when I cleared my plate (except for a few peppers), Doug said- "Did you like your dinner?"  (apparently I ate with zest).  I said, "mmmm- I love steak." 
Then I giggled.
Wiggled my eye brows and said, "I might even like tube steak."  
Who doesn't like a girl who ends dinner on that note? 
Apparently Doug- because he just rolled his eyes at me.


  1. Shut up!!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!

  2. You know, you should really keep this kind of post limited to just a few people. Otherwise everyone will know you're a freak. Just sayin.... HAHAHA

  3. I never heard the word "tube steak". Knowing you, it means what I think it does. Dirty birdy.

  4. Seriously, this has me cracking up. It also makes me want to go out and buy a steak for dinner.


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