
Instead of being a drug dog, Alexa could be a candy girl.  She can sniff candy out of ANYWHERE.  It’s really kind of impressive.  On Sunday Doug went to the grocery store and came home with Girl Scout cookies, among other healthier groceries.  Alexa LOVES to unload grocery bags.  So what does she find first?  Of course, the Girl Scout cookies.  And somehow she knew that she needed to open them right that second.  How did she know that?  I don’t know.  She’s clearly a genius- when it comes to identifying anything with sugar. 
So last night Andrew was working on his homework and Alexa decided she needed to go through Andrew’s bookbag.  Up until last night she has never been particularly interested in his bookbag, but somehow she knew that Andrew had . . . DumDum suckers in there!!!!!  As soon as she found them she had the same look that people digging for gold in California had when they first discovered it.   Andrew left the room while I told Alexa, those suckers were Andrew’s.  In her defense, she did take them to him.  However, when she got to his room to give them to him, he slammed the door in her face.  My feeling on this topic is, “you snooze, you lose.”  And slamming the door in your sister’s face when she’s trying to bring you your candy- is snoozing.  So she returns to the kitchen and here’s her faces while she unwraps the sucker I let her have. 
Doesn't she just look so doggone tickled with this sucker?

Andrew came in and said, "Where's my suckers?!"  Don't you love her expression?  So innocent.  She has no idea.

mmm, just a little taste, so good!


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