Under the Sink

Do you remember that scene in The Christmas Story, when Ralphie's brother was hiding under the kitchen sink after Ralphie got in a fight and said a stream of bad words that is still hanging over Lake Michigan?  I always thought that was such a weird place for a kid to hang out.  It's tight quarters.  It's sort of icky.  Even though the drain does not actually dump out down there (unless something is really wrong), something about it feels . . . like icky, old food is down there.  There might be pests. 

My children have recently started hanging under the kitchen sink.  Andrew likes it mostly because he can get under there and make Alexa scream at him.  Any activity that makes Alexa scream, is his kind of activity.  Alexa likes it . . . for the same reason she likes to sit in boxes, her closet, and other tight spots.  She'll open the cabinet, back into it, sit down, say, "Bye bye" and then pull her feet in, while she shuts the door. 

Here's what they like to do:


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