Hair Bow

Around Christmas I was starting to really wonder when Alexa was finally going to start talking.  She had a few words, but really felt no need to use them.  I knew better than to actually wonder out loud when she would finally start talking, because once Andrew started talking . . . he never stopped!  I knew the whole talking "thing" was a doubled edged sword.  I wanted her to talk because I was pretty sure that would help ease up some of the tempter tantrums, but then . . .  did I really want to know all that she actually thought? 
The other thing that occurred around Christmas is that I watched a video of Andrew when he was 18 months old and realized- she was . . . not quite as communicative as he was.  I wasn't particularly worried because she understood everything I asked her to do perfectly, but I started to wonder if I had perhaps ignored some of her developmental needs. 
In the last month have the words come fast and furious!  Gracious!  And the funny thing, I do think it has helped some of her temper tantrums (not all of them- we still have plenty, but they're more . . . understandable: her brother not sharing, her brother invading her space, her brother aggravating her . . . do you see a theme?)
One word that amuses me (for now- it won't forever) is "No."  The way she scrunches up her face and sort of sings it to me, entertains me greatly.  Sometimes I ask her things like, "Alexa, do you want to swim with the alligators?"  just to hear her say, "No."  Again, this is temporary.  In a few weeks, possibly days, it'll become infuriating.  However, she ain't my first rodeo, and I know better than to ask "yes or no" questions now.
Today's word is possibly my favorite word so far.  It cracks me up.  Today's word was, "hair bow."  She'll pat her head and say "hah boow."  It's so stinking cute.  After her nap, we were sitting and chilling out and suddenly she got up, patted her head, and said, "hah boow" and walked back to the bathroom and made me put one in her hair.  (Oddly enough, it is still there!  Normally they last about . . .30 seconds.  It's been about 45 minutes so far!) 


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