Screaming, Running, Football holds

I rarely take Alexa to the store with me.  And after every time I take her, I vow, "This is the LAST time EVER!!!!!" 
If you were Harris Teeter in Indian Trail yesterday around 4:30 you probably saw a blur of black pants and heard a high pitched shrieking, that would have been myself and Alexa.  All I needed were: hot dog buns, lunch meat, cheese, and cole slaw.  I hoped that since I was only getting 4 items and Alexa was in such a good mood, it would an easy trip through the store.  HAH!  The Fates laughed at me again. 

Here's how it went.  The walk through the parking lot was delightful.  The entrance into the store- lovely.  Putting her into the cart . . . is where all the troubles began.  She no longer likes to sit in seat of the cart, so I put her in the basket part of the cart.  We raced through the produce section, and almost past the floral section when . . . it all went downhill.  She saw a balloon.  Since I continued my dash right on past them, she began a meltdown.  At first she wasn't totally into it.  It was only half hearted attempts.  She got her boot off.  Still half heartedly whinying, but I know her and I know her levels of escalation . . . if I didn't put the boot on, well my trip through could be bad knews.  So I put the boot back on, but I must not have put it on with the right amount of pressure, or with her toes accurately squeezed together because my treck through the rest of the store was LOUD!  She really put more effort into this fit.  She decided she was actually mad and really wanted every customer to know it. I dashed through the deli section and grabbled some lunch meat and cheese.  She screamed, "MINE!"  So I let her hold them.  We dashed to the frozen section (I have no idea why I was in that section now- but here's where it really went downhill) As I was practically running down the aisle, she threw out the lunch meat.  In stride, I picked it up and kept on going, she threw out the cheese.  Laughing a smidge to myself at how I didn't see that one coming, I picked up the cheese- in stride.  Motoring on down the aisle, she threw the hot dog buns out.  Now I am starting to not see any variety of humor in this situation, because I assure you she's still screaming and thrashing around in the basket.  Suddenly I step on something crunchy and realize, we're leaving a trail of fruit loops through the aisle as she's dumping her bag of snack out while I speed down the aisle.  Now I am really frustrated- but can still the humor in it.  We turn to head out of the store and an employee says, sympathetically, "Been there done that."  She's just a screaming.  I dash into an empty check out line and immediately apologize to the girl.  "I'll be fast, I promise!!!!"  And boy does she check us out fast.  Alexa's attempting to head bang the cart now.  (I'd like to tell you this is the first and only time she's head banged the cart and shocked the clerk at Harris Teeter- but it is not.  Probably not the last either.  I am not sure what shocks the girls more- the intensity that Alexa head bangs, or that I don't seem bothered at all) I gather up the bags and carry her out of the store in a football hold, while she's attempting to kick and get loose.  In the parking lot, I have an event that really caps off the whole experience, some woman stops me.  Yes, she stops me, and says, "I feel so bad for you!"  (lady, this absolutely does NOT help!) I am trying to think how to respond, and all I come up with is, "It's not a big deal, I am used to this."  Her face was horrified.  I kept on running to the car.  Stuffed Alexa and her thrashing arms in her car seat and vowed, "I am NEVER taking you to the store AGAIN!!!!"  Tonight we took her to the salon so the boys could get hair cuts.  She laid on the floor in stranger's old, cut hair- kicking and carrying on.  I just sigh . . .


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