Toddlers Rock

I tell you, I just love a toddler.  I am not being sarcastic either.  I do.  They're pudgy and squishy in all the right places.  Sometimes they smell lovely.  They think you're hillarious- just by holding them upside down.  
Not only do I love them, I am a little envious of them.  They feel no need to be socially appropriate.  They're completely and delightfully uninhibitted.  I know you won't believe this- but I actually hold back.  It's true.  I am actually not telling you everything on my mind- only part of it.  So see- this is why I love toddlers (particularly mine), they feel no need to hold back.

Feel gassy?  What's that rhyme?  It's better to bear the shame, than to hold it in and bear the pain.  Alexa lives by that motto. 
Don't want someone in your space? Smack at them until they get out.
Don't want what's being offered?  Shove it off of your tray with gusto.
Love your grapes? Shove in a gigantic mouthful, so that the juice runs down your chin and ignore the juice, while your lips are all poked out.
Don't want to stop what your doing? Go all limp, making it difficult to be physically managed.
Don't like how someone is doing something? Protest LOUDLY!
Don't feel like having your face wiped?  Put up a big fuss so that the crud can be left there.
Your brother takes your toy?  Drop a bowl on his head.   
Want someone to do something?  Look up all cute and hold out your hand until they take your hand and follow you to the end of the world. 

She might hate me for this when she's older, but I LOVE Alexa's legs and feet.  They're so soft and squishy (she has a slight tan line in her fat roll) and sometimes I just chomp on them. 


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