And We Have Lift Off

Oh what a glorious afternoon at the Latta house today!  Doug finally got the tractor moving!  Let me tell you a little story about Doug and the tractor. 
So- he's always wanted a tractor.  However- there's not an incredible need for a tractor on 3/4 of an acre- as it turns out.  But as they say, "You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy."  (in case you didn't know- Doug grew up in the country.)  And despite our not having a dire need for a tractor, he still wanted one.  Well- he comes dashing home one morning last summer all excited about maybe finding a tractor for hardly any money.  Then he gets all, "maybe I shouldn't get it. . . "  Well I am crazed with pregnancy horomones and so I say, "Doug- just go buy it.  You've been wanting one forever.  Just get it."  And he comes home with it. 

Aren't they so excited about it?! 

Well unfortuately the tractor needed some work, but that takes time and he just doesn't have a lot of it.  So for his birthday I told him that the week he took off from work- he could have 2 guilt free days to work on his tractor to his hearts content- and a blank check to buy whatever he needed to fix it.  And today he finally got it all working!!!!  Except he discovered his brakes don't work all that great, so . . . he'll need to fix them next I guess.  But it's all good, because at least this afternoon the tractor was running. 

Here's the funny part of the story.  So . . . he's got the tractor running.  Everything is going well.  When suddenly it starts to absolutely POUR!  Poor Doug and Andrew.  They were so disappointed.  After a year of wanting to take the tractor for a drive and just as they were about to . . . a gullywasher came up.  There they sat, watching it rain, driving the tractor forward 2 feet and backing it up 2 feet.  Isn't it sad? 

You know what else is sad?  I didn't get all the props and gratitude I deserved!  That's what's sad!  See if it wasn't for me, Doug wouldn't have this tractor- since I encouraged him to go and buy it.  And if it wasn't for me- Doug wouldn't be able to drive it- because I gave him the tires to make it move.  And finally if it wasn't for me giving him 5 days of no guilt or "Honey Do Lists," he wouldn't have had the time to work on it.  So I think he might owe me- big.  Just saying.


  1. I don't really understand what you do with a tractor. I guess this just proves I'm not a country girl.

  2. Yes, please answer the above. All I can think of is pull hay. You don't have any hay.


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