Beachin' It

Let me say, this has been a fantastic summer for me and my crew.  (not Doug as much, because he has to work during the summer, but Andrew, Alexa, and I have had a fun summer.  We've played, traveled to Columbia, Charleston, Myrtle, and visited family, and it's coming to an end. waahhhh)
This past week we went to the beach with a college friend of mine- and her family.  I was super excited.  It was the beach, and there were friends.  It was perfect!  What could go wrong?!  Well- the week before we left to go to the beach, I had a couple of naysayers plant seeds of doubt in my head.  They talked about their awful experiences vacationing with their friends.  It never occurred to me to worry about that.  My family had always vacationed with friends.  The vacations with friends are far more memorable to me- than the ones without friends.  What if this was a week of torture?  Well, to the naysayers I say, "HAH!  You just didn't vacation with us, because we had a BLAST!!!!!"  (despite a moderately crabby one year old)
There was lots of time on the beach, drinking, eating, playing, and talking.  Plus, I betrothed Andrew.  She's a darling girl with a great family, so glad I can ease my worries of getting some daughter in law I don't like. ;-)

In preparation for next year's trip- we made a list of food that we went through- so we wouldn't have to go to the grocery store EVERY day. 
4.5 packages of lunch meat
30 slices of cheese                                                                
8 hamburgers and buns
3 bags of chips
7 bananas
1.5 loaves of bread
1.5 packs of 100 calorie flat breads
1 pack of Diet Coke
48 beers
2 bottles of wine
18 gatorades
3 boxes of capri suns
3 liters of apple juice
1 big box of Goldfish
1 big box of gummies
1 Stouffers lazagna
3 boxes of cereal
2 boxes of pop tarts
3 packages of bagels

The funny thing is- I lost 2 pounds while I was there.  Must have been all the sweating. 


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