Glory To Cell Phones

I love my phone.  It’s a smart phone- no really.  That’s the type of phone it is, but the thing is.  It really is a smart phone.  It can do EVERYTHING!  I can make notes to myself- to remember books I want to read, grocery items, printer cartridge sizes, and things I want to do when I get home (I tend to write those lists when I am in the car on car trips).  It can navigate me to the beach- and back home from the beach.  It provides me all varieties of contact with family and friends.  I can keep up with my favorite blogs.  I have a Kindle app, so that when I am sitting in the car waiting to pick kids up- I can pass the time reading!!!!!  I can take pretty decent pictures of my cutie pie kids.  I can look up a recipe- in the grocery store and get all the items I need. 
This week, it has provided me my only contact to the internet as we were having some router troubles; however Doug fixed it- thankfully.  That’s why there are so many posts today.  I am catching up.
One day this past spring, when the stupid government was talking about all the ways to destroy society, one of the ways mentioned was huge pay cuts to teachers.  We were anxious- but began planning by saving money and thinking of ways we could cut out extras.  Doug said, “Kate. . . brace yourself, we might need to cut the data packages.”  WHAT?!!!!!  I don’t hardly ever clothes shop, I don’t buy extravagant groceries, I live in a small house- and now you’re going to take my data package!!!! I was so depressed I ate biscuits and hot chocolate for dinner (that is apparently my comfort food).  Thankfully they didn’t cut our pay- much and I can still keep my data package, because I don’t actually use my phone for talking that much.  It’s more.


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