14 Days of Love #14

Let me just say- I am exhausted.  Holy day of sugar Batman. 

Today I love- my job.
1. I have this one student that is a freshman. He's so funny.  Sometimes he doesn't mean to be.  I work hard to not laugh, but sometimes the things he says or does are just so unexpected and sweet or . . . straight up funny.  This is one of my favorite stories of his.  During exams, I was testing him in a one on one situation.  He had asked to go to the bathroom, so I let him.  Suddenly a teacher shows up at my door, and said, "LATTA! QUICK!  Your student is freaking out in the bathroom!!!" I dashed out the door, and sure enough, I heard him yelling in the bathroom.  WHAT IS HE DOING?! IT"S EXAMS!!!!!!!!!  I ran down the hall, and barreled in the bathroom (yes- I ran in the boys bathroom) he came around the corner, as I headed in- and he's just as happy and calm as can be. 
"What are you doing?!!!!" 
He looked so confused.  He probably wondered what I was doing in the boys bathroom, and why I looked so keyed up. 
He responded, "I was practicing my shrieking."
Wh. . . . what?  I was so caught off guard- by the answer, and how matter of fact he was.  He was surprised I totally didn't get what he was doing. I won't lie- that's a first.  I've taught for 20 years- 5 years in a high school self contained class with kids who had brain injuries.  I've  had all kinds of stuff go down in a bathroom.  That was a new one. 

2. One of my senior girls . . . y'all.  When she came to us 4 years ago, she was a hot mess of DRAMA.  Like.  All Drama.  All the time.  Then suddenly last year . . . she matured and did a complete and total 360.  Back in October, I told her, "You are why I can work with freshman- because I can look at them, and be reminded they will mature and be amazing- just like you."  She's having a rough day.  It's Valentine's Day.  Her boyfriend is . . . being an 18 year old boy.  Her Mom is being . . . a Mom.  It's a lot of emotions.  Two years ago- we would have ended up sending her home.  Today- she held it together.  She got mad at a friend, but didn't scream curse words at her.  Didn't try to fight her.  She held it together.  She sat in class- all day.  Did what she was supposed to.  She did it.  She is why we teach. 

This is not a "love" story.  This is just an embarrassing one.  One of my student's Dad had stickers made for his job.  She brought them to us, and said, "Y'all will like these."  You're right, we did.  Me in particular. 

That sticker entertained me so much- I decided I would put it on my computer, just to crack me up whenever I needed a laugh.  

So- today I was leading a meeting with some parents from a private Christian school.  (background- if students at a private school need educational evaluations done to determine if they are eligible for an IEP- their public home school is responsible for doing that- which is why these parents were at school).  At the end of the meeting, the father said, "So your computer is powered by deez . . . " I had completely forgotten that sticker was there.  I had never even thought other people would actually look at my computer and see it.  I mean- what a ding dong I am.  I had no idea how to respond.  They probably don't see things like this at their private Christian school- for good reason.  No worries- I have removed the sticker.  It's on my desk.  Way better.  It'll be covered up . . . already.  It's already covered up by one of my piles.  


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