14 Days of Love #6

#1.  Alexa has some pretty hilarious timing for her sassy comebacks. 
Y'all.  She kills me.   I love humor.  I also appreciate a well timed response.  As she gets older, her comebacks and timing get better and better.  But what's actually so awesome is- she's got a bit of a dry sense of humor, so her come backs are so perfect because . . . there's a delay while we try to decide if she actually meant that response to be funny, or was it just a coincidence.  It could be a coincidence because she's sweet and not snarky- so we think.  But . . . I'm finding more and more- she means what she says. 

For example, the other night- Andrew was going on and on about how she should appreciate him more.  He's just simply amazing in every possible way.  In fact, "there's only one good looking person in this car- " 
She jumps in, "Thank you."   
He doesn't even realize she's said that.  He's still telling her how great he is and then . . . then finally a good 20 seconds later, he says, "Wait a minute . . . Wait.  Did she. . . ?  Did she just steal my joke!?" 
I laugh. 
Andrew's sputtering trying to decide if she meant her thank you for him, or if she's having her own conversation without him. 
And Alexa's sitting back there silently.
It was dark, so I couldn't see her expression, but if I could- I imagine her expression was a bit of a smirk. 


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