14 Days of Love #12

I love when the boys go out, and Alexa and I are hanging at home.  Girl time tonight was an art project and jamming to the Mama Mia Station on Pandora.  When she "grows up" (you know- middle school) and thinks I'm no fun, I'm going to be sad.  I like this little buddy of mine.  

I love having imaginary conversations with/to my dog.  She's giving us a lot of opportunities to talk for her today.  #1: We ate dinner before we fed her.  She was quite pouty.  #2: She had to go to the vet yesterday because she has an upper respiratory infection (this is a pretty common January/February occurrence for her), today she's having to take cough medicine and an antibiotic.  I'm obviously poisoning her- with pieces of cheese.  It's so hard for her to avoid me . . . I have that cheese, but also the poison.  The cheese . . . the poison.  Oh! What's a girl to do?!!!!  She takes the cheese, and therefore the meds.  Duh. #3 it's raining outside.  If she goes outside, she has to get dried off.  Getting dried off is apparently what it feels like to have bamboo shoots shoved up your finger nails.  I mean- it's a clean towel, that smells okay, and is gently rubbed over her body . . . even I would tolerate that and I'm not a touchy person. 

I love when I fix a dinner that everyone likes and takes like 2 seconds.  I fixed fresh tortellini (from Aldi) and salad.  Everyone ate it. Hah!  (Alexa can add one more thing to the list of things she's willing to eat.)



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