14 Days of Love #1

Since Valentines Day is in February, I'm going to celebrate the holiday, by focusing on the things I love.  I will definitely write one thing a day, but I can definitely do more.

#1 Thing: I came up with a BRILLIANT idea this morning at 5:00am.  I was so excited about it, I wanted to share it with Doug because he was going to love my idea too.  Much to his- unaware- relief I didn't wake him up.  I held off until 6:10am.  I was getting ready for school, and he stumbled by me into the bathroom.  I said in an extremely enthusiastic way (which is CRAZY for me- because I am typically NOT a morning person), "Doug- go to the bathroom, wake up, and come out ready to hear my brilliant idea!!!"  He did.  And he responded appropriately to it, offering thoughtful suggestions. 

Y'all- I assaulted the man on the way to the bathroom- at 6:10am, and he listened to my idea.  I love him.  I love that he listens to almost all of my ideas (except wallpaper.  Do not ask him about wallpaper.  He has a very clear view on it.  Or- for the entertainment value, as him about wallpaper.  You'll probably find it amusing. It's not as funny to me, but that's just because it's different than my opinion).  He is my best sounding board.  I trust his steady, rational approach (except when it comes to wallpaper).  He's even rational when out of the blue I decide to be a morning person, and have amazing brainstorms. 


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