
On January 6 I finally figured out what my New Years Resolution is going to be.  Maybe.  I think.  I'm going to do more blogging.  I hope.  I plan to.  I've even gone to the effort of coming up with several subjects that I can write on throughout the year.  My goal is to publish weekly. 

I say this, except . . . then I have this whole existential crisis.  Am I being self obsessed by assuming people want to read my little ol' blog?  Am I putting too much out there?  Am I contributing anything worthwhile? Am I enhancing humanity?  What's my purpose in life?    Who am I? What am I?   Then I think- whatever! I like blogging.  I LOVE reading back over them and remembering bits and pieces from parts of our lives. 

So- I'll blog.  I'll blog for me.  And I am part of the Me Generation . . . I think.  Am I?  I don't even know.  Maybe my blog needs to take a direction of self discovery, so I can find out who I am.  Anyway- I'll blog for me, post it, and maybe you'll be entertained by my weirdo brain. 

With all that being said- I'll try to be a more consistent blogger for this year.  And hopefully like many resolutions, this one doesn't fall by the wayside in a few weeks or months. 


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