January Favorite Things

Well y'all . . . one month down of my resolution to blog at least once a week, and I did it!!!  Yeah- color me surprised, I made it a month accomplishing a resolution.  I have been collecting a list of my favorite things for the month.  Brace yourself kids- it's amazing!

1. I got this Professional Whipped Cream Dispenser as a Christmas present. OMG it's life altering!!!!
We have fresh- homemade whip cream EVERY night!!!!  Well- I mean not every night- that would be weird, over-indulgent, and unhealthy, but . . . we could.  IT TASTES AMAZING!  I throw some heavy whipping cream, a tablespoon of powdered sugar, and a tspn of vanilla. in the canister, shake it it up, insert the cartridge, and bam!  There you have it- fresh whipped cream!  Oooh it is soooo good!  Aldi has some strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries this week, and I think some whipped cream on them will be a-maze-ing!!!! 

2. Cooking bacon on my grill.  Y'all!  This is a game changer.  The bacon is so perfectly cooked and crispy.  I think it cooks faster and easier.  I used to cook it in my oven, but I had to pay attention to it, flip it, sometimes flip it again.  Some strips cooked faster than others . . . it was a whole thing.  Cooking it on the grill is the best!  Throw it on the grill, walk away, and take it off. The other added bonus is my house doesn't smell like cooked bacon. 

3. Heated seats in my car.  Hot dog those are the best!!  Also- remote start is pretty darn awesome.  So on those mornings that it's pretty chilly- I can start my car in the warmth of my house and get in my toasty warm car, with toasty, warm seats. 

4. SNS Dip Manicures.  I got my first one in December, after some co-workers were talking about their experience.  I LOVE it.  I've done gel manicures, but . . . when it started to chip, I would pick at my nails and that is the absolute worst thing you can do for your nail, but I cannot stop myself.  SNS Dip nails do not chip.  They last longer than gel nails.  Something else I like about it- is I can file my nails, every week, so they don''t get long.  I don't like my nails long.  Here are my nails 20 days after they were done. For $5 more than a gel manicure- it's worth it.

5. Grace and Frankie: TV Show on Netflix.  I LOVE this show.  It's hilarious.  I love the friendship between the two women.  I want to be as spicy and fun as they are, when I'm 80 years old.  

6. Buffalo Chicken . . . almost everything.  To be fair- this could go on every month, forever. I LOVE Buffalo Chicken everything, except wings. I don't like wings.  They're too much work.  I don't like to eat meat off a bone, not pork chops, not steak, not chicken.  I know that's probably weird.  If you went to my Pinterest Page and searched Buffalo Chicken you would find: 32 pins with Buffalo Chicken in the title. Here are some of my favorite recipes- 

There are my January Favorite Items.  Can y'all believe we are already at the end of the first month of 2019?!!  February can go this fast too.  March, April, and May can slow down so I can enjoy spring and getting my garden in.  Although in February I get to start planning my garden, soooo February is okay too. 


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