Netflix, How I Love Thee . . .

I started to write my review (that the entire internet has been anxiously awaiting) on Birdbox, but then it lead me to an entire Netlix dissertation.  (FYI- they have no idea I'm doing this.  They get my opinions for free! How lucky! :-)

What started this whole train of thought was, something I noticed about an actor in Birdbox: the main character from Dumplin' is a minor character in Birdbox.  This brought up a whole "thing" for me.  Is Netflix going to do a Disney-esque type of casting?  In case you are not familiar with the Disney Channel (clearly you don't have upper elementary aged children), they have several attractive, precocious, multi-talented child actors and actresses that they use throughout their shows and movies.  I think the children are hired by Disney Channel and filled in- where they feel is appropriate, whereas other tv shows and movies- the actors are hired by the movie or TV shows. they are part of.  The Disney actors become quiet popular with their intended audience. 

Anyway, after seeing Danielle McDonald (the actress from Dumplin' and Birdbox), I got to wondering, is Netflix going to hire actors and actresses and fill them into their movies?   I have no judgement or opinion on that- just a thought.  However- if so . . . . interesting actress to "start"  (although- I have no idea if they started with her- she's just the first one I'm aware of) doing that, as she is not your typical Hollywood actress, as she's plus sized. 

This lead me to thinking about how out of my current 5 favorite tv shows: 3 are internet based, and 2 are from Netflix.  I LOVE Grace and Frankie and Stranger Things.  If you are not familiar with Grace and Frankie, it stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as two women who have been around each other for years- as their husbands were friends.  They didn't really care for one another- as one is a total hippy and the other is a businesswoman.  However- the husbands divorced the women because they were in love with each other- and got married.  Why do I love this show so much? The writing.  The acting.  The way Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda's characters are so opposite, and how they interact- it's frankly hilarious.  I love the friendship they develop, as they go through this shocking and uncomfortable situation. 

Stranger Things I love because I grew up watching The Goonies.  It's kind of nerdy kids, that are socially awkward, saving the world.  WHO DOESN'T LIKE THAT?!!!!!  Andrew and I LOVE to watch this.  It's the exact amount of suspense, humor, action, and sci-fi/fantasy. 

Anyway- Netflix I totally dig the way your stuff is easily accessible to me and what you're producing!  (and as I am like a totally super important person . . . . to like 10 people in the entire world- this will certainly change the programming they produce.  Hah!)


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