Blowing Bubbles

I remember when Andrew was a little older than Alexa is now, looking at his small face and getting a bit emotional about it.  At the time, I thought it was perhaps due to pregnancy hormones.  However, since I am not pregnant right now, and therefore do not have those hormones wreaking havoc on me, I cannot explain why when I look at Alexa's sweet face I feel a tad bit emotional.  It must be because I know she's growing up and I am almost at the end of her preschool years and that she'll never be this innocent again.

The boys went off to do boy things and so Alexa and I stayed home to do girl things.  We were playing on the play set, working in the jungle (aka: garden), and then we moved to the front yard to play with the water table and squirters.  Suddenly she sits down next to me to blow some bubbles and her little face had to be captured so I could remember the: innocence, sweetness, darling-ness, and beauty of her almost 4 year old self.


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