A Crazy Dream

I had the weirdest dream this morning.  I woke all kinds of discombobulated and mad at Doug.  It didn't help that it was thunder that woke me up, and then when I looked at the radar I realized there was a big old hurricane sitting off the coast.  Where the heck did that come from?!  And how did I not know about a hurricane?  I have got to start watching the news or something.  Back to the thunder:  if thunder wakes me up, it's stressful.  Not because I am scared of thunder.  I am not.  I LOVE a good nighttime or early morning thunderstorm.  However, Alexa is completely freaked about thunder.  So I know if there is thunder I am in for a good 30 minutes of sweaty, "snuggling" (or her trying to climb inside of my body, while hiding under a quilt).

Anyway, I woke up mad at Doug, disoriented, and generally out of sorts.  The dog was desperate to get outside, which caused me a real dilemma on whether to hurry up and get the dog outside before it rained, or wait for Alexa who was bound to dash into my room in a total freak out.  Luckily she got up, but was oblivious to the thunder.  So I took the dog out and tried to gather myself. That was too much stress for one wake up.

That was the weirdest dream and pretty much Doug made me mad in the whole dream.  First, we were going to a baseball tournament, except he tricked me and instead of it being close by, it was in Wisconsin! (Strike #1 he tricked me, and took me up North).  And it was being held under a bridge.  While we were there I lost the wagon we use to carry all of our junk, I thought I saw another woman with it.  I asked her about it, and I thought she said she just found it and would give it back to me after she took her kid to the bathroom, but . . . I waited for her forever and she never brought it back.  So I went back to the dugout, and told Doug that I lost the wagon and he said, "No you didn't- I just have it buried under all this stuff, right here!"  (Strike #2 for him, he hid the wagon and I couldn't find it because he had it buried under junk).  It was a break between games, and the rest of the team went to eat lunch, but I had to wait for Doug to change (Strike #3) and while we were waiting, I thought I saw a black snake, but when it went to strike at me, it was actually a seal jumping into my arms.  I was so surprised, I just stood there, shouting at Doug to hurry and take a picture before it attacked me, but he was fumbling around and couldn't find his phone (Strike # 4).  While he was puttzing around, the seal started crying because I wouldn't hold it right.  I had no idea what to do.  Did I hold the seal?  Or not.  Would it attack me?  It didn't seem dangerous- I didn't notice claws or big scary teeth, but . . . it was a wild animal.  Well, we ditch the seal and go eat lunch and the restaurant Doug chose only had Pepsi products (Strike #5- he picked the restaurant).  Stupid Yankee restaurant!  Plus they served the ice weird.  They had regular refrigerators, and you had to scoop your cup into the ice dispenser. I kept wondering why the health department allowed that. I thought- it must be a Yankee thing.   Then I woke up.

Frankly, it's a good thing Doug isn't home this morning because he'd be getting the silent treatment, and wouldn't know why.  How do you explain, in a rational way- "Dude, you completely screwed up over and over again- in my dream!" and make it be a rational explanation for irritation?


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