Rocks, Water, and Boys

I brought my crew down to visit my parents this weekend.  Doug, his co-teacher, and friends cooked bbq all night Thursday and then worked all day Friday- as happens every year around this time.  After 16 years of this tradition, I have a survival technique for all of us:  the kids and I leave for the weekend and let Doug recover without us.  It's better for all involved because otherwise, Doug spends a fair amount of time being aggravated he can't sleep, and I spend a fair amount of time being aggravated he's not helping out. So in this case . . . absence makes for a happier marriage.

Since it was such a fantastic day, Mom and Dad decided to introduce us to a new "hiking" area they found. It was so cool! It was right near a river and there were lots of large flat rocks to run around on and play near the water.  We had bets on which kid was going in first.  Mom won.  Dad and I assumed it would be Alexa. She is pretty accident prone. I mean- just walking from the house to the car to go to this place, she got a whelp on her forehead when she "spinned too much" and fell on the driveway.  Turns out . . . it was Andrew who got wet first.

After we had gone to do a moderate walk (and found plenty of sticks to carry with us), we decided to hang out on the rocks.

Contemplating how to move to the next rock.
It appears to be a very cautious crawl, I missed the photo opp where he fell in 
Safely on this rock!

It required a little cheering

Then he made a big jump from the rock to the sand where we were


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