
So . . . soccer has been a bit of a bust so far.  Not because of Alexa, but because the doggone weather is always foiling our plans!  We have only been able to have one practice so far.  It's sort of frustrating!  How are we going to turn Alexa into the next World Cup star- if she can't even get to practice?????  (a small disclaimer, I have actually no plans of her being a soccer star.  If she wants to great- if she wants to do other things- that's cool too.  That whole World Cup thing- was for dramatic effect regarding my frustration with the weather).

While we haven't been able to practice, we did get to have our first game yesterday.  The highlight of that event for me- was how doggone cute she was in her uniform!

I think the high light for her, was that she got snacks and to go on the bouncy house afterwards.  (as part of the Opening Day ceremonies for the rec league, there was bouncy houses and a Carl Edwards race car for the kids.  The race car was slightly traumatic because someone would randomly get in the car and rev the engine.  It didn't matter where Alexa was, or what she was doing, she'd freeze and slam her hands over her ears!).  

If you've never seen 3 year olds playing soccer- you should go watch it.  If you're feeling a little despondent and need some cheering up- go watch it.  It's HILLARIOUS!  They're 3, so sometimes there was pouting when another kid got the ball.  Sometimes there were collisions, sometimes there was random falling.  There was definitely drama.  Guess which category Alexa fell into . . . I know, it's hard.  She could be in any of them.  She was in the drama category.  Her legs hurt.  She was tired.  She got grass in her eye.  She fell down and her pants got dirty.  Her legs hurt.  She was tired.  She was hungry.  She needed a drink.  Her legs hurt.  She was tired.  Her shoe was untied.  The good thing with Alexa is that, while she may come to me for a lot of issues.  They're all easily managed with recognition, and a pat on the head, or a blow in her eye.  

I won't lie- I was pretty impressed with her.  She didn't cry.  She rolled with whatever.  If another kid got the ball . . . ok, she'd either follow that kid, or come tell me about one of her ailments.  

Here's a few more pictures from yesterday: 


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