How Did This Happen?

It's the first day of yet another baseball season.  I love baseball season.  I love it even when we're only home for one evening of the week, and the floor looks like it's attempting to grow another dog because I haven't vacuumed, and the laundry is spilling out of the laundry baskets in a way that says I'll never get it all finished, and the fridge has only condiments and a few cups of leftover milk in them.  I love Andrew stomping in my car after a frustrating game, complaining that Dad yelled at him . . . again, or that the other kids don't take the game seriously enough!!!!  I'm not being sarcastic either.

I fixed some waffles this morning.  The boys are about to head out to a 9:00am practice.  Alexa and I planning to go late to practice because we're fair weather practice friends- literally.  I only hang out at practice if the weather is good.  :)  Andrew comes into the kitchen to get some breakfast and he's totally dressed and ready to go.  Seeing him standing over there fixing his waffle, looking so tall and confident, I, for a second couldn't figure who this kid was!  When did this happen?  Here he is 4 years ago on his way to his first ever t-ball practice.

He didn't hardly know how to throw the ball.  He definitely couldn't catch it.  He swung the bat erratically. He didn't know how to run around the bases.  He was cute.  He didn't require deodorant.  He didn't know bad words or laugh when someone says something inappropriate.  Or have a sister to aggravate the *&%^ out of.  

Now look at him.  He knows how to throw the ball and throws it hard enough it hurts when I catch it- even with the glove on.  He can catch game saving pop flies.  He can hit the ball almost to the fence.  He flies around the bases now.  He requires deodorant.  He knows bad words.  Laughs at boobies and butts and he lives to aggravate his sister.  (just while typing this blog up, he single handedly made her cry 4 different times.)

When they say it all happens in a blink . . . they aren't kidding.  


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