Fine Young . . . Cannibal?

Alexa is a biter. 

Yesterday when I picked her up, her teacher gleefully said, "Alexa had a great day!  She only bit once!!!!"  That's a great day?!  Good grief.

Today I picked her up and her teacher said, "Wild Woman you can go home now!!"  I debated on turning and leaving and letting Doug pick her up. 

Alexa had herself a day.  She bit a child . . . not once, but twice.  Not only did she bite that poor kid- she broke the skin!

I love Alexa's teachers.  They're so reasonable and calming.  Once they told me the whole story, I am not surprised that she bit.  I am not justifying it.  Biting is bad!  However, I understand why she did it.  It turns out the first biting incident occurred as they were sitting down to eat lunch.  Apparently the boy and Alexa were having a scuffle over who was going to sit in a particular chair.  Alexa is very . . . rigid.  That was "her" chair and how dare that boy try to steal it!!!  She was defending what- in her mind- is a rule.  The rule is, "That's her chair."  Later, when they were sitting down to have snack, he tried to steal "her" chair again.  (You would think after she broke the skin this morning he would have learned that Alexa means business, but then again, I admire his bravery and his refusal to back down at her aggression- he may be just the man for her).  She bit him again- except this time the teachers (and assistant director, who happened to have stopped in) caught her in the act.  They shouted out to her, put her time out, and made her wait to have her snack. 

Maybe you think that punishment sounds tough.  I say, that is exactly what she needs. 

Poor Alexa is getting a bad rap.  I post pictures of her crying and pitching fits and now post that she's a biter.  She does have many redeeming qualities.  Here's a few: she's a great sleeper- and always has been.  2.  She follows routines- and makes her own routines- and prefers routines.   3.  She's helpful and wants to help.  She loves to hear, "Thank you!  You're such a good helper!'  She just grins.  4.  She's very determined (which could also sometimes be a negative)  5.  She knows her mind.  She's not wishy washy in anyway.  You always know where you stand with her.  6.  She LOVES animals and is not afraid of them- at all.    7.  She's cute as pie.  I could eat her up!!!!!  Even when she's being a pill- I could eat her up.  If I'm not careful- she might just take a sample out of me!


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