A Drama Queen
I bet you think this post is going to be about Alexa, but you're wrong! It's about me!!!!
A few days ago, a fellow running friend and I were laughing at ourselves and how dramatic our inner monologues are when we're running. Since I am just getting into the bulk of my long distance training runs (8 miles today- in the chill and mist!) I have found the last few weeks have been filled with lots of ups and downs. Here's a break down of my mental state.
Miles 1-4: I rock! I am so fast. This pace is brilliant. I can't believe how easy it is today. I am so kicking my own a$$! Tra la la what a beautiful morning! Just a woman out running, feet hitting the pavement, dominating the world!

Mile 4-5: I suck. I am tired. I can't do this. Is that rain?! Please let it be raining so that I can quit. I am so slow. My pace was so much better last week. How can I be this slow? Seriously- was that a turtle going faster than me? I bet a grandma on a walker would beat me right now. What was I thinking?! Kate, shut it. Get it together. You can do this. Toughen up. Quit being such a pansy!!!! ooooowww but I am so tired and I am only half way through. There's so much more to go!

Mile 5- 6.5: I totally zone out. My mind wonders I forget I am even running- I don't even realize that one foot is still going in front of the other, or swearving across the street, it's as if I am drunk.

Mile 6.5- 7: I shake myself out of my day dream and start to feel a glimmer of hope . . . I just might actually do this . . . Wait a minute . . . is that a blister on my toe? My calf hurts. I have a hangnail.
Mile 7- 8: Holy smokes! I am doing this?! I honestly didn't think I would ever be able to run this much. I can't believe I am doing this! Oh jeez I am tired. Maybe I'll just quit at the end of the hill. No one will know. Wait- I am doing this! Don't quit! Then you will REALLY suck! Oh my calf is cramping!!!!! Please let me finish, I . . . am . . . so . . . tired. Come on! Get it together. (I think my inner monologue has now become an outer monologue) Kate, push. You can do this! Come on! You're so close. Just a few more yards, push!!!!!!!
A few days ago, a fellow running friend and I were laughing at ourselves and how dramatic our inner monologues are when we're running. Since I am just getting into the bulk of my long distance training runs (8 miles today- in the chill and mist!) I have found the last few weeks have been filled with lots of ups and downs. Here's a break down of my mental state.
Miles 1-4: I rock! I am so fast. This pace is brilliant. I can't believe how easy it is today. I am so kicking my own a$$! Tra la la what a beautiful morning! Just a woman out running, feet hitting the pavement, dominating the world!

Mile 4-5: I suck. I am tired. I can't do this. Is that rain?! Please let it be raining so that I can quit. I am so slow. My pace was so much better last week. How can I be this slow? Seriously- was that a turtle going faster than me? I bet a grandma on a walker would beat me right now. What was I thinking?! Kate, shut it. Get it together. You can do this. Toughen up. Quit being such a pansy!!!! ooooowww but I am so tired and I am only half way through. There's so much more to go!
Mile 5- 6.5: I totally zone out. My mind wonders I forget I am even running- I don't even realize that one foot is still going in front of the other, or swearving across the street, it's as if I am drunk.
Mile 6.5- 7: I shake myself out of my day dream and start to feel a glimmer of hope . . . I just might actually do this . . . Wait a minute . . . is that a blister on my toe? My calf hurts. I have a hangnail.
Mile 7- 8: Holy smokes! I am doing this?! I honestly didn't think I would ever be able to run this much. I can't believe I am doing this! Oh jeez I am tired. Maybe I'll just quit at the end of the hill. No one will know. Wait- I am doing this! Don't quit! Then you will REALLY suck! Oh my calf is cramping!!!!! Please let me finish, I . . . am . . . so . . . tired. Come on! Get it together. (I think my inner monologue has now become an outer monologue) Kate, push. You can do this! Come on! You're so close. Just a few more yards, push!!!!!!!
Love this! I have to mentally push myself sometimes. For some reason, the first two miles are the hardest for me. Once I get passed two miles, I seem to be in a better rhythm and can keep going without having to cheer myself on too much!