Birds and the Bees Discussions

Let me just say, that up to this point in Andrew's life, I have successfully avoided any discussions on where babies come from.  Well, that's not true.  When he was 3.5 he became very interested in where babies come from. I just didn't feel like I needed to get into the intricacy of how they actually came about.  Not at 3.5.  But let me assure you, he was hard to disuade, I did the old, they come out of a mommy's tummy!  But how did they get there?  Then I told him from God.  I am pretty sure he suspected I wasn't telling him all there was to know. 
I thought for sure, I would have to explain something when I was pregnant with Alexa.  I even did internet research on possible explanations.  There were some explanations that clearly weren't comfortable discussing where babies come from, and then there were some that clearly wanted to scar their children for life.  I got lucky and it never became an issue. 
Tonight, preparing a batch of chocolate chip cookies, I was confronted with where babies come from.  But it wasn't that direct- it went more like this:

Preface: Tonight at dinner, Andrew discovered that beef ribs, ground beef, and steak come from cows.  And chicken nuggets come from chickens. 

Scene: Andrew and I are making chocolate chip cookie dough.  Alexa is laying on the floor under my feet, with her feet thrown up on the dishwasher.  I am helping Andrew to crack an egg. 

Andrew: Are these eggs baby chicks? 
Me: No! 
Andrew: How come?
Me: (Oh shit.  What a troublesome question! There are so many complicated answers that can lead to so many other questions!  Hah!  Doug's an ag. teacher, I'll throw this off on him and it looks legit because he's an ag teacher!!!!)  Doug- Andrew wants to know why the eggs we eat, aren't the same as the eggs chicks come out of. 
Doug: (calls from the other room- never taking his eyes off the football game).  The eggs with chicks need a rooster. 
Me: (that turd!  He took the easy way out- and won't come in here to face the questions!!!! So I decide to bite the bullet and just go for it.  What's the worst that can happen?  I am a mature (although that's questionable) mother and I should give him a clear answer.)  Andrew, what Daddy means is that eggs that have chicks in them have to have a rooster and a hen.  And the eggs we eat, just need the hens. 
Andrew: So, the eggs we eat don't have daddy's? 
Me:  That's right.
Andrew: Hey!  I was supposed to stir. 

Hah!  I dodged the question again!!!!!  Yes!!!!  For the record I totally accept the fact that I am going to have to have "the talk" with him- a) because Doug won't and b) because it must be done . . . eventually (like right before he goes to college- which is when my grandmother thought she might like to have "the talk" with me).


  1. Let him watch the animal channel....when he sees two horses or dogs going at hit, tell him that's basically how it works with every animal.


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