985 Pieces? Ok. We Got This!

The last time we went to visit my in-laws, my sister in law gave us a box of torture, oops I mean legos.  She gave us a box of legos- not torture.  My bad. 
It was a kit of 985 pieces to make a fighter plane.  Of course, the next day Andrew wants to get started on it.  Well funny thing . . . I actually like to build with legos.  Something about it is enjoyable.  I am not sure why I enjoy it so much, but I do.  We like to follow directions to build things that are pre-engineered.  Andrew likes to build from his imagination for some things- but when it comes in a kit . . . the directions must be followed. 

So, the next day we get started.  Wow.  It was a little daunting, there were all these parts.  So many many many many pieces!  At first we just threw all the pieces into a box, but then we decided to put like pieces together in ziplock bags to make them easier to locate.  Doing that . . . made the project so much more manageable! 

It started as just Andrew and I building it, but then Doug wanted to get in on the action.  Soon- it was Doug reading the directions and instructing Andrew, Andrew doing the building- after Doug did the instructing, and me locating the needed piece.  It took us almost 8 days working anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour a night- but we did it. 

Here are some pictures of our project!

Here's the organization system

Andrew studying the directions

So close to being done!!!!

final product- and of course, I didn't get a picture with Andrew with it!  Duh me!


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