So Blessed, I Shouldn't Forget

I just read an article in "Parents" magazine that really affected me.  It's all about hunger and how 1 in 4 children don't have enough to eat.  Isn't that shocking?  I think many of you that read my blog, have children.  Can you imagine worrying about whether there's enough for them to eat, as opposed to what WILL they eat? 
I just read this article with my heart breaking for these parents. 
And I sat here and felt guilty for all the non essential things I buy during a day or week and still think of all the things I need
I looked around my living room and saw all of the things that make my home- my home and felt blessed.
A few weeks ago during the sermon at church, the question was asked: "What is your big distraction from praying properly?"  I immediately thought of my children.  I do not blame them or use them as an excuse.  It's just I have noticed that since Alexa arrived on the scene I have a much harder time focusing.  Last year, during meal time blessings I would really and truly think carefully of all that I was thankful for, now I spend our meal time blessings peeking at Alexa to see if she's put her hands together- as she occasionally does (and quite honestly I don't think I've ever seen anything so sweet in my entire life!), or looking at Andrew to make sure he's closing his eyes and concentrating on what he should be concentrating on- as opposed to looking at Alexa- to see what she's doing.  And suddenly the blessing is over and all I've done is peek at my children.  As a result I have begun to forget all the things I am blessed with.  I've begun to take them for granted- and I am disappointed with myself.   Because I have a lot to be thankful for.


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