A Tisket, A Tasket, A Blue and Gold Basket

I am the wife of an FFA Advisor.  I have mixed feelings on this.  Some of them are positive- we've made some very good friends thanks to Doug's direct involvement, and my indirect involvement.  Plus, I see the awesome opportunties Doug has had due to his involvement (thank you Toyota for our shiny, cool truck!).  And then there are all the awesome things it has done for students around the world- because in case you didn't know- FFA is actually an international organization. 

But then . . . Doug's dedication can be frustrating. 

Perhaps this story- that is totally unrelated- will explain exactly what I mean.  Today Andrew and I are driving down the road and he sees a garbage truck collecting trash.  He is shocked.  It's not Friday (the day our trash is collected) what are they doing?!  So then I explain that the garbage men can't collect all the trash for all of the people on only Friday's.  They work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday.  There's silence in the back of the car as he is apparently contemplating this revelation.  Then he says, "Why don't they work on Saturday's and Sunday's?"  So I explain that lots of people don't work on the weekends and Andrew says, "Then why does Daddy?"  Well, he got me there.  I had run out of answers. 

But while Doug's dedication can be frustrating- it is rewarding to him, but also to me, as I am proud of the accolades he receives.  He and his co-teacher and several former students recently created a "basket" to compete at the state level, but since they smoked all the other competition- now it gets to compete at the national level in Indianapolis this coming October.  This would be their 3rd trip to Indianapolis with an award winning "basket." 

Here are some pictures of the "basket" from the beginning to the end.  I would show you the picture of the basket with its reward banner- but my phone won't save the picture Doug sent me and therefore I am unable to forward the stupid thing.  Just imagine the last picture with a beautiful blue FFA banner on it.

This is actually a "basket."  It can be anything.  A few years ago it was an adirondack chair.  The dimensions must stay 3 foot x 4 foot. 

It looks like an outhouse, but it's not.  You'll see . . .

If you guessed a country store- You're CORRECT!  There are all sorts of things you'd find in a country store: sauces, produce, hardware, seeds, metal signs, 5 cent candy, moonshine (ok- not really- but someone did put a mason jar with water in- to look like moonshine.  I don't think it made it to competition.  I don't think.)

Isn't the flooring cool?  It looks just like an old country store!

Here's the almost finished product.  Totally Awesome.  This by the way folks- is probably going to be a National Winning basket that you're looking at right now.  Not to count our chickens before they hatch.  We would never do that. 


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