Ode To Pioneer Woman

I think an Ode is supposed to be a poem, however I will not tortue you with my ineptitude at poetry. 

Do you know who The Pioneer Woman is?  I am going to go out on a limb and say . . . (hopefully not offending anyone) she is like the Oprah Winfrey of blogs.  She has done for blogging, what Oprah did for . . . well, all that she did.  Here's a link to her blog: http://thepioneerwoman.com/

Here are all the reasons I love her:
1. I love almost all of her recipes.  We have entire meals- from her.  Tonight we ate taco pizza and let me just say- it was fantastic!  I am not sure what my favorite part was- but anything with black beans, colby jack cheese, and that delicious sour cream/hot sauce- I'll eat it! Plus her recipe for homemade pizza dough is DYNOMITE and crazy easy!  Last week it was her Knock You Naked Brownies.  The week before that it was her Dr. Pepper Chipotle shredded pork.  And those are the new recipes- not the ones that are so much a part of regular menu I have forgotten that I got them from her. 

2.  She's a totally funny person!  Her sense of humor is a little bit geeky, silly, and funny (which I mean all of that in a 100% complimentary way).  Plus she can laugh at herself- I love a girl that can laugh at how ridiculous she might be sometimes.  Lately, my mother and I have been delving into her archives and have been finding posts that make me think she and I are soul mates or separeated at birth (she's a smidge older than me, so we might not be separated at birth- plus she was born somewhere not in Pennsylvania, and has really really red hair).

3.  She boggles my mind.  How does she have time to: home school her children, cook- take pictures of it, write about it, post it, work on a cattle ranch, take care of her gardens, do book tours, cooking demos on The Today Show, make Food Network shows, write recipe books and children's books, and countless other things?!

4. She inspires me.  Ok- yes, she has inspired many a great meal, but she has also inspired me to do a food blog with my students about the recipes we cook. What a great way to incorporate technology, sequencing events, writing, and plus- they get to see themselves on the computer (which they LOVE!). 

5.  She's a regular person.  She writes about having trouble finding jeans that she loves.  She wishes she didn't like to eat so much.  She loves reality tv.  She has piles of laundry she ignores.  Sometimes she pretends she doesn't hear the dog crying to go outside- in the middle of the night, so her husband will get up and do it for her.  I've done all of those things!!!!

6.  Today's cooking post goes on and on about how much she loves fresh basil.  Doug is sick and tired of hearing how much I love fresh basil.  I sing the praises of it every summer!!!!  I won't lie- sometimes in the dead of winter I will spend $6 on wilty fresh basil- just so I can enjoy the smell of it.  I have a sickness- what can I say? 

One of my favorite books is Standing in the Rainbow by Fannie Flagg.  It begins in a small midwest town, right after World War II.  Many of the characters in the story listen to a radio show, produced by a housewife in her house.  On the show she features recipes, singers, and different people in her town.  Anyway- Pioneer Woman totally reminds me of this radio show.  She sometimes has guest post-ers.  She features recipes and various other parts of living on a cattle ranch.

If you don't know who the Pioneer Woman is- check her out and get to know her- you'll be glad you did.  She's almost as funny as me!  ;-)


  1. I heart pioneer woman too...never made a recipe of hers that I didn't love!


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