In Case You Were Wondering . . .

I bet you have been anxiously checking the blog to see how my bribery attempts to get Andrew to eat turned out.  It hasn't been a complete bust.  At least last night he ate 7 mini ravioli's (with no sauce, of course) and a few broccoli florets.  (I mean- that's alot right?  Alexa, at 7 months old, ate 3.5 ravioli's, in addition to some strawberries, green beans, and puffs, - but I am super excited Andrew ate 7.  Really, I am just ecstatic.  Over the moon.)
Since that's pretty much the most he all day- that was great.  The 4 bites of cheerios in the morning I am sure tided him over until lunch and the 1/4 of a sandwich he ate, and 1/2 of a strawberry definitely tided him over until his huge dinner. 
I know kids go through stages.  I do- I promise.  This stage has gone on since this past spring.  This is a little more than a stage at this point.  This is a way of life for him- and not an entirely healthy way of life.  I hope he doesn't get scurvy, rickets, or bubonic plague. 


  1. The bubonic plague! :) Silly Andrew, love how 7 mos Alexa is outeating him :)


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