Yet Another Embarrasing Story. . .
Today's post is NOT child friendly- I repeat- NOT child friendly.
You are going to see that I am a 35 year old women with the mind of a 15 year old boy (I am my father's child, which means it is very unlikely I will ever grow up and mature- thank goodness!). We are currently building a new, bigger, better, and more fabulous play set for Andrew and Alexa. Well for some reason, building projects bring out my trashy side and the entire time we're working I feel compelled to make sexual innuendos.
Doug is clearly more mature than I am- and just rolls his eyes at practically all of my very witty comments.
I mean honestly- it's so easy! There are always lots of screw jokes and wood jokes. For example- the other day I was having to use the drill (which I am not very good at) and I was supposed to be drilling quickly because Doug was holding a very heavy board. However, I was giggling about having to screw fast. Hahahahahahaha
Well for some reason all of these opportunities for sexual innuendos brought up this memory from 8th grade. I was playing softball and clearly one of the younger more immature girls on the team. I don't remember the conversation at all, but remember they were talking about "69" and I didn't know what it meant- so I asked. Those mean, horrid girls suggested I went home and ask my parents. So I did- at what I think may have been the dinner table. Yes. You read that correctly. I did!!!!! I don't really remember my parents response to this. I vaguely remember my father saying (with a straight face) where did you hear that? And then suggesting I go back and ask the girls again.
I would like to take a second to applaud my parents for their maturity because there is no question in my mind if Andrew comes home and asks this- I will totally and completely fall apart- giggling. I will have to leave the house and Doug will have to handle this situation.
You are going to see that I am a 35 year old women with the mind of a 15 year old boy (I am my father's child, which means it is very unlikely I will ever grow up and mature- thank goodness!). We are currently building a new, bigger, better, and more fabulous play set for Andrew and Alexa. Well for some reason, building projects bring out my trashy side and the entire time we're working I feel compelled to make sexual innuendos.
Doug is clearly more mature than I am- and just rolls his eyes at practically all of my very witty comments.
I mean honestly- it's so easy! There are always lots of screw jokes and wood jokes. For example- the other day I was having to use the drill (which I am not very good at) and I was supposed to be drilling quickly because Doug was holding a very heavy board. However, I was giggling about having to screw fast. Hahahahahahaha
Well for some reason all of these opportunities for sexual innuendos brought up this memory from 8th grade. I was playing softball and clearly one of the younger more immature girls on the team. I don't remember the conversation at all, but remember they were talking about "69" and I didn't know what it meant- so I asked. Those mean, horrid girls suggested I went home and ask my parents. So I did- at what I think may have been the dinner table. Yes. You read that correctly. I did!!!!! I don't really remember my parents response to this. I vaguely remember my father saying (with a straight face) where did you hear that? And then suggesting I go back and ask the girls again.
I would like to take a second to applaud my parents for their maturity because there is no question in my mind if Andrew comes home and asks this- I will totally and completely fall apart- giggling. I will have to leave the house and Doug will have to handle this situation.
And this is why we are friends. Screw fast!!! Hahaha. I like the reading post about Andrew too, he really is brilliant, maybe soon he'll move up to Anton Chekov...bwahahahaha! :)