
Since this is where we post all of the Latta Family News- I'll tell you we had an exciting milestone met today! 
After getting up on all fours for a month- and rocking- Alexa finally took a few tentative . . . crawls today!!!! 
While I am telling you about Alexa, I must tell you this. She's a strange girl!  She can play in her crib- by herself for 30 minutes- happily!  I discovered this by accident the other day.  She had gotten mad- and the only way to calm her down is to put her in her crib.  That's the only way she can calm down- that's weird too.  So I go back there about 3- 5 minutes later and she's sitting up (that's when I discovered she can get into a sitting position from laying down) and playing with her lovey and teddy bears- squealing and babbling to herself.  So I let her do that for awhile and then called my mother to ask if she was a freak.  My mother assurred me she wasn't- she just seems that way because Andrew is incapable of entertaining himself (still to this day.  He'll play by himself for 15 minutes and then sit by me nagging me to entertain him).  So today- I fixed dinner while she played in her crib.  She's already a loner. 
Isn't she sweet?


  1. She is obviously a genius! Gets that from her mother's mother's side! hehe xxxooomom


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